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RE: Women Will Soon Have Equal Privilege of Being Slave Soldiers

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

I think this is awesome. I am a firm believer that everyone should serve their country in the military for at least two years, as they do in countries like Israel.

When you reach your 18th birthday, you should be conscripted for two years, and then the military will help you either pay for college or give you a stipend after that.

I served in the Army with many females who were just as capable, if not more capable, than some of the men. There is no reason why females cannot go into combat with their male counterparts. In fact, it already happens, even though the government would have you believe otherwise.

The selective service is completely necessary should the United States need to draft soldiers, sailors, or Marines to complete it's standing military.

If you don't like it, then fuck off to Canada.

I believe that women and men are equal 100%, but you know what I've see a LOT of? I've seen a lot of women who want to be treated as equally as men, but only when it's convenient for them.

Honestly, that's the vibe I'm getting from this article. If women are truly 100% equal to men, as I believe they are, then why shouldn't they have to register for the selective service just as men do?

The selective service has nothing to do with turning people into "slave soldiers," either. It's a measure to make sure our country has an adequate military to protect us from whatever crisis we may be facing at the time.

Don't you get that it's much bigger than you or I, or equal rights for men and women, or anything else going on that time? If we cannot protect our country and happen to lose it, then we won't even have the opportunity to argue over equal rights, because we'll be busy being run by some other country.


"If you don't like it, then fuck off to Canada." <--likewise

I would never, because I love this country way too much. USA is the absolute best country in the entire world and is the best place to live. I've been all over the world, and let me tell you, most other countries are absolute shit holes compared to the United States. I was thinking some countries should be totally leveled to make room for the US to park our tanks and planes.

"we won't even have the opportunity to argue over equal rights, because we'll be busy being run by some other country", which explains why so much of the rest of the world has such love and respect for the USA

I don't get what you are saying at all. Makes zero sense to me. Not sure how one relates to the other...

I can understand @contentking, there is a magnificent read for you in About Face by Colonel Hackworth, a national hero from the Vietnam conflict. It will explain a great deal about the misconceptions of war ... and the manipulations of government. I highly recommend it to you.

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