
Look battle. I want to keep this a free country. So I don't want anyone who doesn't want to fight for this FREE country to be forced into fighting alongside soldiers who need to focus on the enemy (IE: BF soliders, LTs and the skinny G-Fkr looking forward to his "virgins") You can't look at the past"wars" and say "but they will only sacrifice our men AND women for a just and right war". If they don't have "enough" people, maybe they will think twice before sending them in to park a tank on a sovereign oil patch. Foreign (iraq) and domestic (ND)
Yes we need to defend this great country and we have always had brave people step up. And if they try to sucker punch us again we find the INDIVIDUALS! responsible and wipe them off the face of this earth. Not the whole country, no matter how shity it is.
You are not my enemy, so stop trying to tell me what to do. Squatting is illegal, I love this country and every one who wants to be in it.

I can agree with some of what you have said. However, I stand firm that women should have to register for the Selective Service as long as men do. The day that they abolish the draft, then nobody has to register for it and that's fine.

If women want to be truly equal in every way, then why shouldn't they have to register just like men?

In case you haven't noticed, I don't give a shit about being "politically correct." I speak my mind and say what I feel no matter who it offends.

It's about time that people stop tip-toeing around the important issues because they are afraid of not being politically correct and pissing a few people off.

I wasn't a fan of either candidate that ran for President, but I voted for Trump because at least he has the balls to say what's on his mind and he doesn't dance all around the issues like all of the other politicians do.

You can't please all the people all the time. That's just the way it is.

So I stick to my guns and proclaim the idea of "slave soldiers" in the US to be ridiculous.

Anybody that is not willing to step up and fight for the country they love has no right to enjoy all of it's benefits.

We all know that freedom isn't free. It costs money, and it costs lives. It's cost millions of them over the course of our history. Women are 100% equal to men in my opinion, so let them do everything that men have to do.

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