Don't Forget About Big Brother: Jaywalkers In China Receive Fines Immediately Through SMS!

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)


Facial recognition technology is no joke in China. Not long ago Chinese traffic officers began using facial recognition technology to arrest citizens who were violating traffic laws.

Now the cops are using artificial intelligence (AI) to further their police state oppression over the populous.

When the facial recognition cameras catch someone jaywalking they will be identified, publicly shamed and also will be sent a text which specifies what their violation was and how much they have to pay for the fine.



a Shenzhen-based artificial intelligence company named Intellifusion will be implementing the new addition to Shenzhen's traffic system.

Above is an example of the shaming at practice

The Public Shaming System

The faces of jaywalkers will be displayed on giant LED screens located at intersections which would usually have advertisements on them.

Intellifusion will be working with local mobile phone companies and social media conglomerates in order to be able to send the jaywalkers texts immediately after they are caught in the act.

Don't Forget That China Has A Social Credit Score System

You receive this text: "You are receiving a negative social credit score for your jaywalking today sir".

The system will register exactly how many times you have violated the city's traffic laws and there will be a specified number of violation that you need to reach to negatively effect your social credit score.

It is quite similar to the scene above from the British TV show Black Mirror...

Bad social credit would eliminate any possibility of running businesses, staying in luxury hotels, renting or owning property, using public transportation or receiving bank loans.

If You Are A Chinese Citizen Every Detail Of Your Face Is Stored On A Facial Recognition Database

Facial recognition systems are tasked with generating a so-called faceprint for individuals, which can then be stored in a facial recognition database. These faceprints are created by scanning human faces and measuring the distance between various points such as the width of their noses or the depth of their eye sockets.

A human face has more than 80 "nodal points" which can be tracked and accounted for by facial recognition scanners. These points are the ones that are used to identify individuals through camera scanners on the streets of China.


A "Successful Oppression"

So far, Intellifusion's system has successfully identified and sent messages to 13,390 jaywalkers. All of these people had their personal information leaked on LED screens at intersections.

You can also look at an online database (managed by law enforcement) filled with the photos and names of jaywalkers that were caught.

How would you feel if your local city had implemented these technologies? It is definitely happening in the United States and many other developed countries.

giphy (2).gif

Here in Indonesia it is a completely different story, there are almost no traffic cameras and people run red lights and jaywalk without being caught often. Hopefully this freedom from traffic surveillance I have in Bali, Indonesia (although slightly dangerous) remains...

Sources: 1, 2, 3.
Sources for images (that are not mine) are provided by clicking on the image itself.

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This is exactly why we can't allow a world government to ever come about. Places like China (cities) are so oppressive and overbearing, there's gotta be places like Indonesia to balance them out. I'd rather have to look both ways before crossing, rather than have cameras scanning my face everywhere I go. Heck no, and Chinese people-- please please please stop standing for this. Get up, move your feet and live somewhere else until they and their communist control-freak selves find out that shit doesn't fly.

That's kind of the problem. 90% of Chinese people with a brain, a passport and some money ain't putting up with this shit.

That leaves you with the world's largest population of uneducated, poor, misled and downtrodden slaves in the world blindly following the system because they can't imagine anything else...

Beijing government are thugs, what can one do?

Great point. Still, the Chinese expats could step up and publicize their reasons for leaving and describe conditions that would make them stay or return.

Chinese expats could reach out to their brothers and sisters who stayed behind and show them what is happeneing— bring them to the entrance of the cave.

Worldwide, we all could band together and push back against government in general. They’re all clamping down because they see us finding better solutions on our own. On the internet... on the blockchain.


I definitely do not want to see a world government!

Full scale slavery is just around the corner...I really hope it will take some time before it spreads over the whole planet. In any case, if this is going to be reality, living in the woods or on a seclueded island suddenly appears very attractive. Dang, what are we doing to ourselves?!

We, the people who see what is happening, have a duty to cry out and try and wake these sleeping souls before it’s too late.

Forced enslavement to complying with the government as your score is used in Social shaming. I so fear that will spread to the rest of the world. Freedom and privacy is no more. With every day how I wish for Mayberry and the June Cleaver's of this world but they ain't coming back. Thanks @chron

I'm thankful the world is not one big giant country with nowhere else to escape to. Imagine.

i'll still take my chances if they give me a visum and a mansion for my cat

The slow but study progression of psychopaths who seek totalitarian global control. It’s almost surreal when one thinks about the levels of complexity that have been implemented on such a scale.

We who live in "developing" countries should count our blessings!