Being Julian Assange: The Mirror Conspiracy

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

First of all: This is not a real solution by far, but a call for action.

What if we can get a bunch of people with a mirror to the Ecuadorian embassy on a sunny day to reflect some symbolic sunlight into Julians room.

Just to raise awareness that we "The people" are 100% behind him.
I'm myself still in the dark what we as individuals can do to help the man who sacrificed so many years of his freedom allready to fight for our freedom. And what are we doing? NOTHING

Yes I write this post, it is 'something' but compared to ALL THOSE YEARS that Julian has put in, this post is NOTHING.

I'm nowhere near London, I don't even have a valid passport anymore. Just can't be bothered to pay 50€ for a worthless piece of paper that damages my privacy. But this means that I can't go there myself.

All I can hope for is that people share this idea and pull a mirror from the wall and bring the man some rays of well deserved sunlight.

So please SHARE EVERYWHERE. Farcebook, Tweetland, print it and glue it to a busstop. I don't care, SHARE.

Bring the mirror conspiracy to life!

Make a lively discussion below, pick a day with lots of spring time sunlight (thats a tricky one in rainy city), and let the world know about the bullshit of the deep shit state.

Inspired by the epic article Being Julian Assange
Thanks Julian, Suzie Dawson and Elizabeth Lea Vos.


Great Gesture, and I read that "White Hat Hackers" protected voting machines in key states during the 2016 elections? ;)

thank you ANONYMOUS!

thank you for resteeming/reblog :)

are you sure those were white hats or russian spies, which ones is it :D

ummm, our Utterly Corrupt "LSM" (Lame-Stream Media) in the U$A would say Russians elected Trump, but all and I mean ALL Reasonably Read Indicators say that the Fix was in for Killary, even the Union Folks were gagging over that prospect, and we're just so totally fvcking SICK of the BS here that we said


;) WHITE HATS, for Sure! If Trump was a Trojan Horse Candidate, the LSM would be letting up by now, but it is getting WORSE. They cannot let up, or as Killary said,

"...if that F-ing Bastard wins, we'll all hang from nooses!"

Her mouth is Legendary ;)

And her words are as hollow as a...
how do you say that in a nice way?

I'm not very anonymous, merely a bit privacy aware.

More a kind of 'Underground Inductance'

Charge me then short my synapses and the collapse will generate some Back EMF.

Resistance is futile right?

always funny how people watch "fake news" and god knows what other kind of bullshit on a television, but can't be bothered to read the hundreds of thousands of documents exposing the real world and not the world as it's portrayed.

I'd say Wiki Leaks are a better news agency than 95% of the other out there, hey they do brag about a really thorough check before publishing as well as a-political affiliation, which any media should have, sadly people don't value knowledge as much and prefer blind entertainment.

there is enough facts to blog about and make impact, yet everyone keeps chewing on the same cat pictures

BIF and I were just talking the other day how we should start a #NOTV group ;)

I wonder how many people we can find who refuse to pay insane amounts of money for ad infested entertainment.
Would there be people in need of help to get 'unplugged' ? Or would it be enough to just ask them to calculate the sum they can save per year?

If I may ask (I've never owned a TV or paid a TV licence), since you can watch news (real or fake, your choice) and you can watch almost all the TV shows, without ads, why would anyone need to suffer withdrawal symptoms?

When i'm now in a room with a TV then a TV can be so much distraction that it's harder to interact with people. Simply because my mind is no longer conditioned by the 'shitstream box' How does that work for you?

It's stuff like that that makes you even more aware of the 'funnel feeding effect'. Combine that with todays blatently obvious fake news bullshit that the mainstream news keeps chewing on.

Stuff like that, people may want to communicate about.

We live in an age of Information Communication Technology.

Yet people are ill informed and suck at communicating.

Their information is bullshit, and they communicate that bullshit without asking themselves what they are chewing at. Keeping the shit stream going wherever they go. They re-chew the same bullshit and actually think they are having a well informed conversation.

We have an entire planet that is having trouble to exercise the most basic skill of being human. Communicating real and verified Information to eachother.

Today everyone is hypnotised by Android and Apple devices.
Just go to a supermarket and try not to run into someone who is in the middle of a farcebook distraction. Here I see people on a bicycle in busy traffic being focussed on their phone.

I mean...

How well did they Communicate the Information about real dangers that something like that creates?

The Vatican and it is the vatican who is in charge has made 5 attempts on his life. Just know it is them. sorry Catholics but your pope thinks he is God. Godbless and great job

@resteemator is a new bot casting votes for its followers. Follow @resteemator and vote this comment to increase your chance to be voted in the future!

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Sign Up for MBC, BIF!

Wow he gotten old quick ?

just as fast as us. yet he is locked up for fighting for our freedom.

we need to fight harder for his freedom, when he looses we all loose

If he had been in prison for rape he would already have been released. Not that I'm saying he did it. Obama hated and persecuted whistleblowers, Trump has so much pressure on him the last thing he will do is help Assange. In a way it is good he is in the embassy because they would have killed hin a long time ago had they had access to him.

He indeed is safer in the embassy, but the point is that the USA is doing something illegal. And Julian is doing nothing wrong at all. Julian is fighting for OUR freedom.
He needs a dentist, and therefore he needs to be able to leave the premises of the embassy.

THATS the point.

BTW i'm considering to flag you post since what you mention in the first sentence is still ungrounded.
And does not have anything to do with the discussion. So you could just as well be someone who is trying to undermine the very issue. If you know what i mean.. I can't guess who you are....

Trump is playing his own game, He is President, if he is not willing to take a stand for justice then we all know enough about Trump. The least he could have done is to Pardon Julian Assange and he still can, better late then never. But there is no Trump card in his hand on this issue...

Hey let's get something straight flagging someone for nothing is a total bullshit move. I never said he did it but the accusation is the reason HE IS IN THERE, honey trap? I don't know, crazy Swedish feminist?again I don't know. What wikileaks exposed is important and must continue to be done. You know and I know the only way he leaves that embassy is dead or in handcuffs. Now go flag your own ass.

My point is this, by mentioning the bullshit allegations you just add to the bullshit.
As in undermine your own freedom, my freedom and his freedom.

So. Thanks for the downvote for now... I have not flagged you yet. I just notified you that i'm thinking about it as it is a crappy thing to do.

Just by writing this article i will get bigger bullshit then this and I will need to figure out ways how to deal with that. So i'll be happy to discuss with you how i could have done this different.

And that you know it, that you also could have done it a bit different.

Nothing against you personally, but I'm probably going to be dealing with bigger bullshit.
I hope not. But as you can see I'm ready for it. :-)

And now you do it again, btw. If Trump Pardons Julian then he can decide for himself to step out of the embassy or not.

Or get to a dentist with full police protection instead of wearing handcuffs.
Think about that option..

very good! I like this point... It is true bif... lots of people have opinions, but few are willing to take action!

Thank you.

People seem to want to do things, but have a lack of idea's. We need to discuss idea's good and bad idea's Just get a discussion going, try things, make things, keep good ideas afloat by re-using them and re-mixing them. By doing things with them. And let footprints behind.
I can only do so much, but I see that there is a reaction to my idea. now it is up to others to step it up a level while I think about my own next step.

I need more feedback. I need to see some mirrors

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