Homesteading & Off Grid / Self Reliance Lifestyle: The GRID Fights to Keep You in The Matrix for 2 Reasons Only By & Large: E.3

in #freedom7 years ago

OffGrid Life.


You have to wonder, why does the GRID and the GOV'T want all of us connected soooo badly??? Right???

-- Take a sec. Ponder that.

Why do they fight every single person so hard who wants to live a simple life??? Hmmm?

....PROFIT.... TAXES..... you are a file to them, no more, no less.

Little House on the Prairie types back in the day did not have these problems!

Being out off the grid is one way to develop more Self Reliance skills, as well as disconnect from "The Grid" --- and just immerse yourself in some nature, and the peace and quiet that goes along with it.

There are PROVEN health benefits from doing this for 2-5 days at a time, work your way up to it -- but why not try it??

Many of us want to live this way but if you cannot -- a couple days at a time is a good start for peace and your health.

Main Imagen Today: Courtesy PixaBay where images are free to use to help you out!

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

PixaBay has tons of free pictures for us all to use!!!

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with.
Carry On.


It's good to re-connect to nature periodically, but we also must not forget that the whole reason for our technological progress was to alleviate the terrible burdens nature imposed on us.

Interesting points today. I will give your last point some thought today during my rehab / physio session.

When we go off the grid we stop being "good CONSUMERS" of things; not consuming is a threat to the status quo. I am a very "BAD" consumer because I don't have a mortgage. Or a car payment. Or credit cards. And I buy clothes second hand from thrift stores. Oh, the horror!

I am aiming to be more like you every day.


It is nice to hear from you, I appreciate it.

I hope a million people read the comments today by @denmarkguy !!!!

My car is paid for and I buy about 90% of my clothes 2nd hand. Still working on paying off my one CC and mortgage.

God bless ya, I do my best, believe me.

Have a good weekend and keep being a terrible consumer @denmarkguy. LOL

God love ya man.

You are talking sense. That's why governments don't. I just heard only yesterday that the British government had not signed up for the banning of all pesticides whilst members of the EU. The BBC said on their website: "An extended ban on controversial neonicotinoid pesticides will be supported by the UK, Environment Secretary Michael Gove says. The UK has previously resisted tighter restrictions on the pesticides, saying there was insufficient evidence. Mr Gove says that's no longer the case.
Environmentalists have long said neonicotinoids are harming pollinators. But the UK government has generally backed the farmers' view that the chemicals are safe.
It was overruled in 2013 when the EU banned three types of neonicotinoid pesticides for most uses in the fields.
The European Commission now wants to extend that ban to all uses of "neonics" except for in greenhouses.
This time Mr Gove says the UK won't object in principle."
So my government has thus far helped kill lots of bees and I'm very upset. I envy off-gridders in the nicest way! JV

I saw just last nite that the UK is supposed to actually follow thru now on the banning of all neonics etc that hurt the bees, it was a legitimate source of info actually.

I hope it follows thru.

great writting i support for you frnd i hope r u sucees,carry on @barrydutton

i need your help for me frnd plz @barrydutton

fantastic post.

good post.thanks for searing.

I think if we don't make a change soon we could be going off grid because there won't be any other option.

The government has really messed things up beyond repair and that is what they want globally.

I hear you believe me

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