Congratulations my friend...I am certainly wishing you a happy journey to Greece, where you might find the freedom you desire.
Post your travel and arrival at least once in awhile here on steemit. We'll be waiting.
Congratulations my friend...I am certainly wishing you a happy journey to Greece, where you might find the freedom you desire.
Post your travel and arrival at least once in awhile here on steemit. We'll be waiting.
Thanks , and for sure ill upload pic's , vid's and try write funny posts about it , ill take the long road with epic view's , roughly like below , still working on that . It might become the longest home made Topgear clone ever , challenging a car from 1995 to take that trip .,4.6743236/36.5403474,22.4271086/@46.3918106,9.3486302,5.62z/data=!4m24!4m23!1m20!3m4!1m2!1d7.0403052!2d47.3977198!3s0x4791f7f32bc0324b:0x64158e2a04f5d176!3m4!1m2!1d12.5211578!2d47.0261491!3s0x4777746f673af391:0x7a2cd418d45b09b3!3m4!1m2!1d17.5261236!2d43.1211358!3s0x134b0f24510aae4f:0xe240d4376ecf1633!3m4!1m2!1d21.4860606!2d42.0324165!3s0x13543ffdb3adc2f5:0x3b06d67fa2053597!1m0!3e0