Ronald Reagan Quotes: Inspirational Quotes from the Iconic American President Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan is known as The Great Communicator.
Reagan himself didn’t really think that he was a particularly great communicator. He credited the substance of the content he spoke about rather than the words that he used to be the source of his exceptional ability. He humbly argued that If he was effective it was because he “communicated great things [that] came from the heart of a great nation.”
And though he underplayed his rhetorical talent and wit, Reagan correctly identified that the content itself was a major boon to him. He argued against an over-reliance on government and emphasized the flourishing that results from systems that empower and do not impede the individual. When his opponents disagreed with him on principle, he had a wealth of practical examples to reference. Freer systems are vastly superior, practically and principally, to systems like Communism. It was the veracity of this that made his speech truly compelling.
Tomorrow, November 9th marks the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. As Communism’s most formidable opponent, Reagan was assertive and unyielding. He's inspired generations of us to communicate the “great things” he spoke about. We’ve assembled some of our favorite words of wisdom from the man who helped to defeat Communism. Read them here at Ronald Reagan Quotes: Inspirational Quotes from the Iconic American President Ronald Reagan