A Gross Miscarriage of Justice & Political Prisoner Shout Out

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

I have been locked up for 6 days now, and have yet to be given a single piece of paper from the government regarding my arrest, charges, or detention despite repeated requests. All I have been told both verbally and by handwritten note, is that if I give them $6,000 I will be released. We do not have a justice system in America, we have a legal system, and it is a gross miscarriage of justice.


It was a great honor today to hear a message of support from fellow political prisoner Schaefer Cox, while I’m locked up here in Wise County, Texas. I also want to take this opportunity to give a shoutout to fellow political prisoners Thomas Costanzo as he is known by his statist name or you may know him by the name Morpheus Titania, and Ross Ulbricht, his statist name, or you may know him from his freedom name Dread Pirate Roberts. While I’m here taking a stand with relatively low stakes, these other three gentlemen are taking stands with much higher stakes, as it seems likely that they are going to be locked up for far longer than I am. So while people are excited about the immediate circumstances of my case and I am very grateful for the help especially with this incredible opportunity that we have coming up Monday morning with this call flood, I want to make sure people remember that these three other gentleman are facing much higher stakes and making greater sacrifices than I am right now for the cause of freedom.

-Message sent via phone by Adam in jail and transcribed.


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.


Just another example that the U.S. is a tyranny and not the "land of the free" like most were indoctrinated into believing. Best of luck with your predicament and best of luck to all the freedom fighters out there. No charges, no lawyer, no reason for detention, just pay us and you can go free!

I can't help but to think back to all the indoctrination we went through when we were kids. Boy, did they ever put us through it too!
Everybody needs to check out Brother Ali's hip hop track, Uncle Sam G'Damn!
When you listen to this song you realize it's the perfect theme song for our movement!!!

"Now stand yo ass up for that national anthem..." - Brother Ali

Every country has their own way of indoctrinating their citizens. It has to be done if governments are to maintain their power. America's way of doing it is rather clever since many people don't realize that that is what was done to them. Others are able to look back and see it for what it was.

Detained without charge. Guilty until proven innocent. Wiretapping and surveillance without warrants.

We have to put an end to the tyranny once and for all.

That's a major task, but needs to be done. The question is how? So many people are dependent on the system that no matter how tyrannical it becomes, many will still not challenge it because either it employs them, gives them some measly benefits, or they feel that some of the services that are provided via the government would not exist otherwise, which is erroneous, but nevertheless believed by many to be true. Meanwhile many large multinational corporations depend on government subsidies and bailouts to stay afloat. Just to point out some of the challenges that lie ahead.

All those things are truly a hindrance to shutting the government down, which is why it's probably not going to work in any organized way. It needs to be brought down by other means.

Personally, I think crypto-currencies are one of the best chances we have going. If enough people start using cryptos instead of the USD, the banks will lose the ability to create money out of thin air for governments to continue to grow indefinitely. The more people who chose to start using cryptos, the more tax resistors there will be.

Soon the government will be forced to reduce in size due to lack of funding. The first things to go will be all the social programs, then the bailouts, then the military, education, etc. Once those are out of the way, it will be easier to get people to ponder the question, "do we need government?"

"If enough people start using cryptos instead of the USD, the banks will lose the ability to create money out of thin air for governments to continue to grow indefinitely."

I can't upvote this enough. This is one of the only ways to attack the system.
An attack on the banks is a proxy attack on the whole corrupt oligarchy!

Let's not forget to choose wisely which currency to use and Let's choose them not out of speculation (because ultimately that's temporary and won't last long), but by the mission the company/organization is bringing to the world. How each currency will change the world for a better place to live at.

Cryptos are a start for sure, but that will only start to reduce their tax base if it is widely adopted; and that means people will have to start to understand what it is, how it works, and how to secure their crypto properly. This will be easier for younger generations than older to grasp.

True. The thing about old people is that they usually die sooner.

This is a long game, and it should be. As much as I dislike government, it would be disastrous to bring it down quickly. Too many people are dependent on the state and will need time to adjust to personal responsibility.

garth said: >>>If enough people start using cryptos instead of the USD, the banks will lose the ability to create money out of thin air for governments to continue to grow indefinitely.<<<
uhhhh. Where do you get this idea? The amount of people using counterfeit currency is a mutually exclusive concept of their ability to produce x amount. One does NOT alter the other. No matter how many use cryptoCasinoChips, there will ALWAYS be dupes, whores, parasites and greedy bastards willing to accept FRNs or other government fiat.

Okay, you got me on a technicality. What I should have said is that banks will lose the ability to create value out of thin air. Zimbabwe can print all the FRN's it wants, but people there still use U$D's.

When government money isn't worth anything then they won't be able to pay their bills with it, except to pay the poor saps who have no choice like employees and contractors.

Thinking that the Dollar will survive forever is to ignore the entire history of every currency, ever. They all die eventually.

You know Schaefer Cox??? omg. Thank you for spelling his name right. I just found https://freeschaeffer.com. What a tragedy for one of America's best ever.

How are you posting to Steemit while you are in jail? I could be wrong, but i'm pretty sure thats not possible.

If you read you will see how it is possible, it just requires a great deal of trust, which Adam still has even though he has been burned before. Believe it or not there are still people that are committed to doing that what is right.

Respect! Thank you so much for getting this message out, and for doing what you do. I'm sorry you have to suffer this, but your strength is quite apparent. You have my gratitude for your efforts toward Liberty!!

You must be really strong going through all this and still being bold enough to speak out for the right cause. The justice system almost everywhere is broken.
This message has to go to the very far to all people going through this as well, and am starting a campaign on my social plarform to speak for those in prison and are treated unfairly.. It is worse here in Africa, where it's hard to have a say when your locked up.
Thanks for reminding us to fight for the right cause

Yes, Government has become #OUTOFCONTROL and is a worldwide epidemic and can be traced back to B.A.R. attorney's which is nothing more than an organized worldwide crime ring. which all judges are BAR members and they use the Police and in some countries the military to enforce their laws on the citizens. Check out CitizensActionNetworks.com we have several African Country pages on Facebook. @joanstewart

I've checked out CitizensActionNetworks. And am starting to follow up the campaign. I'll get to make some difference here in Africa through this.

This is a good thing you are doing

I'm very surprised to hear this is happening in America where they say "they are pute and without corruption" Why haven't they taken him court or released Adam?
I thought it's only a Nigerian problem. Not knowing it's all over. No justice anywhere.
I also want to salute your large heart... You can still remember others while still fighting for yours. Nive one brother

Unfortunately this is a worldwide epidemic. Government is #OUTOFCONTROL. #GovernmentIsTheProblem The US has the largest number of people incarcerated in the world and our system is full of corruption. Check out Nigeria Citizens Action Network on Facebook or CitizensActionNetworks.com #Freedom4All

I am calling on all the Whales, Dolphins and the mighty Minnows to upvote this post as a sign of #Unity. @SteemThat @SydesJokes, @JeffBerwick @superiorcoin @jerrybanfield @superiorcoin and all the other one's I can't recall right now. If you believe in #FREEDOM then upvote and resteem.

What a shame.


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