Free Steemit Post Templates! Compliments of Steemprentice Mentors

In an effort to help out new Steemit users Steemprentice has been collecting various templates to provide to new users. This would let you simply copy/paste the template into your editor and replace the text and images with your own.
I'm expecting to release about 4-5 new templates a week for the next few weeks to get things built up. Anybody template donations are greatly appreciated! Feel free to make a post yourself on your template where you can either have a text file or google doc link available. I can simply add it into my list after that. The only thing I ask is that you use the category tag of #free-templates so they can be easily searched on Steemit.
If anyone has any questions wants to donate a template, feel free to DM me in or you can typically find me in the #steemprentice channel.
Upcoming Free Templates
Templates that are at the top of my list for next week are:
- recipes
- fiction
- music
- art (with and without the progress shots)
- videos (having a paragraph before and after the video)
Free COPY/PASTE Templates
Word Wrapping Template by @rubellitefae:

Here is her post showing an example and provides a link to her text file for it. This template does have a more advanced look and feel having a two column structure, word wrapping, and scaling images.
Link to RubelliteFae's Word Wrapping template in Google Docs
Link to RubelliteFae's Word Wrapping template in Google Drive Notepad

Photography Based Template by @thecryptofiend:
He includes some great instructions and tips at the beginning as well as which parts to copy/paste into your editor.
Link to TheCryptoFiend's Photography template in Google Docs
Link to TheCryptoFiend's Photography template in Google Drive Notepad

Poetry Based Template by @sykochica:

This one is pretty basic with an image at the top, some page dividers with a short spot for the poem and an image source area at the end. Make sure to remove or replace my custom signature with your own.
Link to Sykochica's Poetry template in Google Docs
Link to Sykochica's Poetry template in Google Drive Notepad

Non-Fiction Based Template by @sykochica:

This one is has multiple images to break up the text along with some page dividers and an image source area at the end. Make sure to remove or replace my custom signature with your own.
Link to Sykochica's Non-Fiction template in Google Docs
Link to Sykochica's Non-Fiction template in Google Drive Notepad

Image Source:
Whale Logo was created and donated by @winstonwolfe
I don't even understand all this, but all these Steemit 101 posts, are just great, helping people and building the infrastructure and am thankful. As always- voted/shared on SM and reblogged. TY very much!!
These can just be copy/pasted into the steemit editor, then replace images and text with the users contents. Please let me know if there are any problems that come up though, I want these to be as 'ready to use' as possible for new users.
Not all of them work directly with but I'm hoping to find a way to make that work well too in the near future.
Shared forward these goodies! :)
Have you ever figured out a way to get a post's thumbnail to be some image that is NOT the first image in the post? I've tried the advice in other Steemit and markdown guides, and my own experimentation, without success.
I had heard that there was a tag that was used in the past to select the thumbnail image, but some update a couple months or so ago removed that. My understanding is that the first image in a post with always be used as the thumbnail image now.
One small workaround for this though, is to put the image you want in thumbnail at the top of the post (it can even be smaller dimensions, followed by a <'hr> or a page divider image. Then put your main heading to "start the post." Most people don't see this as strange when they open the post up.
You can see an example where I had my friend do this: Here. I wanted to make sure the final colored pic was used for the thumbnail, but still wanted to have them all in sequence in the post.
That's a great idea and your example really helped.
@winstonwolfe that logo is tiiiiight.
Just a comment. Personally, I'll prefer the Google Drive Notepad format instead of Google Doc for HTML. Why you copy and paste simply, I don' think there is any issue but when you start typing in Google Doc, you know how it tries to be smart. With text file format, there's not such issue when you open Drive Notepad. If you like to see, I've taken a copy of your poetry one as a test and put here:
Remember to open with Drive Notepad instead of Docs. :-)
Definitely a good point. I did load everything into Google Docs from a text file, just to prevent any issues.
Regardless, I'll try to get templates loaded into both formats...just in case. :)
Good for people who want options. :-)
I'll opt for text format but I've been using also Kompozer to work with HTML but irritating tags like header and border had to be removed. So, I end up doing text file quite a lot.
Def a good idea @ace108!
I've got all 4 of these templates in Google Drive Notepad format now as well as the Google docs. The post has been updated to include these and future templates will have both options available. :)
Very nice thanks @sykochica for this guide, they look awesome!
Ty! I hope people find these helpful. Thanks to @rubellitefae and @thecryptofiend for their donations!
Thanks for posting! I think this is going to be very helpful. These templates look nice.
Thank you!!
I'll get some more out this next week. Feel free to let me know if there's something more specific or a category type that's needed. :)
I just used your non-fiction based template on my post and it worked nicely! I had just one problem in that the divider graphic came up as the thumbnail graphic for the post. (That was my fault, but on the template it might be nice to have a note around where the first image should go as a reminder)
Ah, good point. I'll make a note of that in the template. Thx for letting me know
You continue to impress! :)
:) ty!
I had thought about this for a very long time. This is perfect :)
:) I finally got this one off my to-do list, at least till next week. Lol
Awesome, what a great service to provide! I'm looking forward to constructing some beautiful posts with your templates--thank you @sykochica!
TY! Lemme know if you would like something currently not available, sure I can whip something up.
BTW, have fun teaching yoga at steemfest!! :D