Great post. I upvoted, and would love for you to do the same for me. Thank you.
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I’m not the type to do that there
To my surprise I stopped and stared
It caught my eye something I swear
I decided to take the dare
Check the profile thought I don’t care
But was totally unprepared
A story unfolded before me all told through the etchings of pencil on paper that holds memories close to those moments where horrors occurred but could not crush her soul
Great post. I upvoted, and would love for you to do the same for me. Thank you.
Like for like? share for share?
I’m not the type to do that there
To my surprise I stopped and stared
It caught my eye something I swear
I decided to take the dare
Check the profile thought I don’t care
But was totally unprepared
A story unfolded before me all told through the etchings of pencil on paper that holds memories close to those moments where horrors occurred but could not crush her soul
#gimmeatopic #frawstakwaforyou
here’s her post...
have a listen here...
Song is just about ready... I hope that it finds you well...
This’ll be interesting, I might use your comment as the hook...
Just took a moment to visit your page, I’m glad that I did... I’ll be back to check out more of your posts for sure... take care...