vibrational energy...
yeah, there are a few of these, ha ha... presenting, yet another in the #gimmeatopic series... share your thoughts...
Vibrational Energy
I am frawstakwa
Chanting mantras
To open my chakras
Such an awesome feeling
Going on and on
Vibrational Energy
I can feel it in my veins
Coursing through my blood
If it spilled would the stain
That results resemble love?
Tryna heal all of the pain
No alcohol or drugs
Be chill on the brain
Impulses can be bugged
I’ma deal with it sustained
Absorbed in a hug
I mean I could complain
But I don’t it’s because
Some things stay the same
But I’m focusing on what
Is in my power to change
Otherwise good luck
#gimmeatopic #frawstakwaforyou