At the top or at the bottom of all illusions, I set the cheat which still leads us to work and live for appearances; in spite of our conviction, in all sane hours, that it is what we really are that avails, with friends, with strangers, and with fate or fortune.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, from Illusions, Essays, The Conduct of Life
Today, in dramatic fashion. several dozen people were indicted regarding a college admissions scandal. The lengths that parents went through to secure a place for their child (or children) in highly regarded universities ranged from modified photos, faking disabilities, bribes and other fraudulent activity. This, of course, will lead to internal school inquiries to figure out the extent of the fraud. Some ask how this is any different from a child being accepted to a prestigious school after a parent has made large donations to that school. Perhaps it only differs in the method if the end result is getting an otherwise unqualified child accepted into a specific school.
All for the sake of appearances, and not what all concerned really are. Now some have been arrested, for contributing, building and maintaining that facade.
I don't know what would be worse - being the child who today had to fend off accusations - or the child who now knows in no uncertain terms that her or his parent bet against the ability to get into a good school on merit.
Is my sympathy misplaced?