I Know the Secret of Frank Bacon
There are whispers of course, rumours
Talk of an experiment gone horribly wrong
Of a fallen scientist, his body broken beyond repair and hope of recovery
A cybernetic construct assembled from the few salvageable remains
Pieces picked from the smoking debris of a shattered laboratory
Invested with life by ancient forgotten rites and forbidden esoteric knowledge.
An unholy union of technology and ancient occult lore
An unsettling echo from a reality beyond our own, simultaneously a voice from the past and a warning from the future
An abomination
A lunatic preacher
A sorcerer
A seer and speaker of unspeakable truths
The Agency believes he's the collective voice of an anarchist hacker syndicate
The Bureau, that he's little more than a couch surfing cyber-hobo
Or perhaps a figment of our imagination
I know the secret of Frank Bacon
Some things you can't unlearn
Sometimes you can't ever go back
I know the secret of Frank Bacon
It may already be too late
Save yourselves
You're running out of time
We're all running out of time

I'm on to you Bacon
This is fantastic! I am going to have to really think about it to come up with something as creative :)