ENG 322: “To Make a Fiction of My Life?” - The A/V of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BACON | Launching SteemPunkRadio!
I came across @SteempunkRadio via the enigmatic being who goes by the name of @frankbacon, and whose message "Highly rEsteemed!" I had seen on many of the posts that I tend to read, often followed by mysterious and curiosity-piquing memes and comments. ~@barge
(Spring 2016). This is an advanced literature seminar on BACON’s works ( genres included novels, autobiography, collections of cultural and POLITICAL criticism, political essays, and STREAM narratives) that considers his ouevre beside some of the most distinguished theorists of FICTIONAL literary expression. We assess the ways in which BACON’s work abides by a racialized tradition as well as consider the extent to which his writing self-consciously seeks to preserve and perpetuate such a tradition. The experience was geared to make to students more familiar with the tropes and techniques of FICTIONAL postmodern writing. The course featured the works of @allseeingewe, @dakini5d, @archangelaudio, @quitefrankly, @djgenki, and @hoaxwars.
Professional audiovisual industry
Audiovisual means possessing both a sound and a visual component, such as slide-tape presentations, films, television programs, church services and live theater productions. Audiovisual service providers frequently offer web streaming, video conferencing and live broadcast services. Wikipedia
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they're coming to take you away, look for the girl with the sun in her eyes, and listen to steempunk radio, a knew weigh of entertaining oneself.
I'm not crazy... I'm MAD...
Just tryin to tell the story of a funny farm nowhere.