macron is a shame to france...
this sleazy bitch boy, is fucked, 0.2 % thc full cbd weed is spreading through france like wild fire in the driest summer of the millennial... so fuck you little authoritarians white normies like marcon bitch boy and bitch girls lepen... you see, it spread... you are fuck impotent to do anything about it as it is legal... fuck you fuck you fuck you.
now secondly, to bitch like a scoot boy about flooding france with more invaders male of military age... fuck you again, fuck you... one day....
third fuck you with your stupid hand shake, hurting the little goy of nyc... how dared you... if i was potus, you would be on your knee... I would never tolerate that... and maybe have executed you, like in front of all those shit bags lenses...
4th go fuck you self for not speaking about those incaceration... those scum bag english are the enemies of france, always were, always will be, they are little traitors, little scumbags, little cowards, they always plot and conspire... the only good people on earth were those romans who raided won and enlsaved them... but sadly, they are now back...
5th you are still attempting to fuck the retirees, to privatize the sncf, to foster this globalists eugenistics world... will see who will win... but don't believe for one second that the so called french republic will resists...
and frankly, you are such a normi behind all the talk, a little conformist, devoid of all creativity, the perfect fail switch in a banking setup... a kerviel...
melanchon would have been better and funniers...
and you fucking 80 shit... I don't give a fuck, but why can't the french people fucking VOTE !!! they can in most us state, they even can brexit, they can all vote... but you the fucking enarks class, the looters, leechers and orgiers, you are fucking punch bags, you are the deepest trash ever, you are worthless, stupid, losing, little shit, who all just want to live in a gated home like sarko the shit bag? fuck you all...