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RE: Fractal Friday

in #fractalfriday7 years ago

@libramedia, Do you really believe that @woodywood143 just pushed a button and out pops a picture?!

First let me say, without calling names like you seem to find easy to do, that @woodywood is an artist, a Fractal Artist. He is also a digital artist of 3D images.
Your incapacitated idea is almost as derogatory as it is a defamation!

Please try to understand, to create this type of work (and it is work to create these images, especially on the scale and frequency which Woody is applying here), that there is a process of mathematical calculations which are being processed along with Woody's artistic flair.
Please take a minute and Read about this process at maybe someplace like Wikipedia
or the JWildfire and Mandelbulb3D websites where there are thousands of users doing the same type of work!

When you claim that Woody and by extension other Fractal Artists are ruining this platform, please use some sort of related proof. Proof which supports your claim, we can all voice our opinions and hurt others.
I have known this artist for a long time and he is the most generous and helpful person I have the pleasure of calling my friend.

I don't and Woody does not take pleasure in calling out others because of our opinionated biases. You seem to think that somehow, he and probably the other Fractal Artists here are taking something away from you, please help me understand how this is.

I've taken a look at your art on the blog page associated with your username, I could be very critical in a discussion with you about what you've posted to date, but like I said previously, I don't take pleasure in do that. I will just say that you have a whole lot to learn about life.

If anyone is making this site a less than pleasurable experience it would be you in my honest opinion. Please keep your unsubstantiated opinionated claims to yourself and don't attack others for trying to put food into their family's mouths by creating the art that they choose to pursue.

I am posting links to these referenced websites, but really do not expect you to click one or any, I just believe that you won't, just like all others who think they have all the answers!

Just in case you missed the linked sites above, here they are again:

You might want to post about something else you claim to know about, like Truth!


Nice retort, Thank you for the kind words my friend. Also if anyone ever posts something like this which can be reported as a Threat on one of your posts, screen grab it, they have a tendency to come back and edit their post later.

Don't you love how these people are on here five minutes and start criticizing you because you happen to be able to post #OriginalContent on a regular basis?!

Especially when they are not able to get an audience for Thier Pathetic Efforts!!

They can edit all they want to. There are tools that show every single version.

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