audiovisual clip "Spiritual Experience" - by AIOASKA genre:Psytrance
audiodriven 3d animation and fractal 3d animation
music genre: psytrance
music produced by Andreas "AIOASKA" Lehner
Trackname: Spiritual Experience
from the album: Back to Earth / flow records
visuals,edit,fx; visual grandpa a.k.a El Geko using Mandelbulb3D + cinema4dR17+Xparticles
particle handling method inspired by greyscale gorilla
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I started playing the track at 1:11 a.m. and was very glad to see your name moving out of the screen at the end of the video at 11:11...
Great job on all front! I bet my friend Illikon who passed away a few years back would have LOVED and wanted to play with this too. I'll share this one a few friends here and there. Thanks a bunch for sharing this goodness our way.
All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
ThanX for the feedback.