Converting my problems into lulz
Ok so the person who robbed me pretty much home invaded my place when was not home days ago. A girl was present when he and someone else came to my place and stole some electronics then because there was a witness he basically admitted to taking my stuff under the premise that the girl that was at my place was stealing my stuff. It took a few days to put it all together and now things make more sense.
I will try to interview Tomas Clasper soon.
The girl that was here said they kept looking for something I am guessing it was my notebooks with all my work inside.
Does this make Tomas Clasper an accessory to a home invasion? As the last time he was here was when he stole my stuff as there was a witness.
He did not have permission to enter my house unannounced and he knew I was not home as I was learning how to make proper videos on my friends computer.
I said good work because I was trying to get my stuff back I was suprised he incriminated himself.
The girl that was staying here was supposed to be gone but she missed an appointment with her worker and I feared she would have had to exploit herself to get shelter as she had just aged out of care and had no where safe to go.
I have known many girls who have been in her shoes and tried to make a difference in her life without asking her for anything.
All the electronics that were stolen had no evidence on those that buy sex from the youth of Winnipeg. Yet he said Tomas Clasper is the one who drove him here last time he was here.
Which would have been when he stole the hats, the electronics, that girls phone and some of her things.
Also everytime I get a name of someone I take pictures and share them. Just incase something like this happens. I didn't think he would betray me as I went out above and beyond to redpill him. But he is an addict and was probably offered money or was threatended into doing this.
Hey Clasper, I did it for the lulz you sick fuck.