US Government Admits to Losing over 1,500 Children
Historically one of the most evil things that governments have done throughout the ages is to separate children from their parents. This accomplishes a great many things that are good for the state.
First, it subtly or subconsciously teaches citizens that their children (like them) belong to the state and you parent your

Second, it teaches children that their mother and father are not their true parents, but merely appointed guardians that are subservient to a higher power.
Lebensborn letter of 18 December 1943 to a German citizen Karl Müller, with the announcement that two boys were found, Sepp Piehl and Eugen Bartel by name, one of which he would likely find acceptable as adoptee. Both were deemed to be of suitable age for his household. The boy referred to as Eugen Bartel, was a Polish child which RuSHA in Lodz destined for "re-Germanization". Lebensborn is said to have forged a birth certificate in which his name was converted from the original Eugene Bartczak. The document derives from the archives of the former RuSHA in Lodz. 18 Dec. 1943 To Mr. Karl Müller Richrath / Langenfeld Rietherbach St. 11 R IV / I - A. E. - 023 - Hei / MHW - Subject: placement of a child Reference: Preceding correspondence Condition: proof of health (2 persons) Dear Mr. Müller! I am pleased to finally announce that I have found two boys, one of which you will most likely approve. They are Sep Piehl, born on December 3rd, 1935, and Eugen Bartel, born on March 11th, 1937. I believe that at least one of them is of an age that is well-suited to your household. The children currently live in Oberweis (Upper Danube). Arrange to take the 6:19 train leaving Gmunden on January 4, 1944, and arriving in Oberweis at 6:37. If you need overnight accommodation, confirm with me and I will arrange it. It is necessary that you bring your identification papers with you. Please notify me no later than December 22, 1935, whether I can expect you in Oberweis on January 4. In any event, please complete the accompanying proofs of health for yourself and your wife. The authorized departmental or SS physician will, as is standard, provide me with the completed forms. I hope that my news to you has given you special Christmas joy. Hail Hitler! On behalf of: signed
By Lebensborn, nazi govermental institution (part of RuSHA) till 1945 - "Lebensborn, czyli źródło życia"City Archive of Lodz, Poland, Public Domain,
The amount of money that the various local, state, county, and federal governments of the United States collects for facilitating placement of children into foster homes varies by region, but it is actually quite large. The average amount collected for selling a child into foster care is $12,000 to $15,000 and goes as high as $40,000 - all that is without attorney fees which can be quite high.
The current number of children entering into the Foster Care system is on the rise, approaching an all-time-high. As the amount of money collected by government agencies, non-profit organizations, and attorneys continues to climb, more and more excuses to strip children away from their parents are written into the regulations - all without voter approval.
It is common now, to have your children placed into Foster care while only suspected of a crime. During this time, parents are allowed little to no contact with their children, the children are treated with psychotropic drugs to "help" them cope with the trauma of losing their parents, while the investigation of the parents can drag on for years. Many times these children are led to believe that their parents did something wrong or are somehow bad people, so that even if the parents are exonerated of the accusations their children remain estranged from them indefinitely.
Now we have a situation in the United States where refugees from terrorist attacks committed by the US proxies are entering the US in order to find safety. Under current rules, many of these families are having their children removed from parents and placed into Foster Care and many of those children are disappearing permanently.
In the USA, over 2300 children and adults are reported missing ever day - over 900,000 per year (up from 150,000 in 1980). Of those current figures, 113 per day are children abductions by strangers.
Historically, these situations have led to revelations after the empire's collapse where uncovered slave labor camps, death camps, and mass graves provide the explanation for missing persons. Let's hope this story has a happier ending