Forgotten Friday: A Holy Well in Ireland. (Original Photos)

      It's Forgotten Friday again!  Every Friday I share some kind of cool abandoned, deserted, or otherwise forgotten piece of civilization that we've came across on our travels.

      Today, the subject is St. Mary's Holy Well in Co. Mayo, Ireland.  It houses a natural spring that fills the reservoir inside, then overflows to make a small stream.  The most notable feature of the well is the hawthorn tree growing right out of the roof!

   From what I can gather, the well was built in the late 1700's.  As you can see, there are also a few graves around the well.  Seems like a bad idea to bury a corpse directly adjacent to a drinking water source, but that's just me!

   Here's a front-on view showing the little stream a little better.  The red leaves/berries on the tree looked really cool among the blue sky and green turf.

     And here's one more photo showing a close up of the tree growing straight up through the roof of the well.  There were several statues of Mary all around the area.  It was a beautiful location, but I bet it'd be a little creepy at night time.

     Thanks for reading today's Forgotten Friday! I post a nature/travel-themed blog every day. Please upvote if you enjoyed it and esteem if you found it especially interesting. Be sure to follow me @customnature so you'll never miss one!  See you next time.  - Adam

***These daily blogs showcase the natural world.  It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels.*** 


Looks so beautiful up there, you are lucky beibg there. I would like to see and to feel this beautiful nature. Thank you for sharing this with us @customnature

That is truly an awesome photo! Ireland is on my list of countries to see. And this picture makes me want to go more. Thanks!

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