Forex Markets Updates

in #forex6 years ago

We expect a lot of information that should generate volatility on forex, commodities, indices


In the European Union, we are awaiting new information on monetary policy in the Euro zone, as is the case for the Federal Reserve in the United States.
In England, Prime Minister May does not consider the possibility of a No Brexit Deal. It should be understood that the option of a No Deal means that England remains in the European Union and this is positive for the GBP and, otherwise would lead to the negative effect that is to say BREXIT.

In the US, the US government was opened and the shot down that took place for two months, causing the dollar's crash was re-opened! However, the US president has said that the government is re-opened for a period of 3 weeks and during this period, should find common ground on the construction budget of the wall with Mexico (6 Billion dollar)
We must also look at the negotiations between China and the US on commercial tariffs.

Aujourd'hui nous attendons des informations importantes du Royaume-Uni sur le vote du plan B du premier ministre May
nous attendons également des informations sur la consommation aux USA.
Nous devons garder un regard sur les tensions entre les États-Unis et la Chine qui ont souscrit aux obligations des gouvernements et des investisseurs à investir sur les instruments de valeurs de référence tels que l'or, la monnaie japonaise et le franc suisse. La Chine en porte-à-faux aux États-Unis devant la Cour pénale internationale pour abus des sanctions imposées par les États-Unis sur Huwai
Pour le pétrole nous devons suivre le développement des tensions entre les États-Unis et le Venezuela.

Today we are waiting for important information from the UK on the vote of Prime Minister May's Plan B
we are also waiting for information on consumption in the USA.
We need to keep an eye on US-China tensions affecting government bonds and push investors to invest in safe haven assets such as gold, the Japanese currency and the Swiss franc. China has filed suit against the USA at the International Penal Court of Business for abuse of US sanctions on Huwai
For oil we must follow the development of tensions between the US and Venezuela.

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