"""""""""HOW DO WE SEE??"""""""""""

in #for6 years ago

Good evening to all of u.
My self welcomes to all of you at here.
In India it is too hot weather nowdays so if you live here then please protects yourselves from the summer.


Let's come on the topic.
We see with our eyes.Eyes are like a camera.
They send pictures to your brain continuously(coloured ofcourse)
Each eyeball is set in socket or orbit which is protective cavity in the skull .


The eyelids prevent outside particles from entering the eye.Iris is the coloured part of the eye.It adjusts automatically to control the amount of light entering the eye.The pupil is the in er dark spot .
It is a hole in the Eye through which light enters.

Behind the Iris, there is a transparent lens.
The light enters the lens which focus it on the retina.
Retina is the light sensitive innermost layer of the eye.
The image formed on the retina is upside down.

Te image sent to the brain through the optic nerve.The brain interprets the image correctly .
In bright light the pupil becomes small ,to allow less light.
In dim light the pupil become large,so as to allow more light .
This enables us to see more clearly .

Thank you.

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