For What We Live, Why God Chooses We Live?
ust sharing what is heard and direnungi ...... ... Sometimes haunting questions of life. There is a question often repeated, but it may be difficult to answer. "What is the purpose of life ....?" Then the next question will arise .... "Why did God choose me to live ....?" Yet this life only briefly, sometimes even full of landmines capable devastated the soul, full of stagnant water pools of blood and eyes ...... .. Malaikatpun asked when the Prophet Adam as the first man made by God SWT. Why humans created, but will only bring chaos on earth. Allah is great, Allah knows above all else. In fact it is true, watch how much chaos caused by human beings on this earth. Anger ... hatred ... anger .. then finally kill each other, ceaselessly coloring over time. Not to mention envy, jealousy, slander ... greed ... greed .. corruption. Ah ... never mind do not need long-winded describe it, because maybe there myself. May God protect and keep him ... amen. As Muslims (sorry for non-Muslims), it is appropriate that the one we are grateful to God who has given exemplary through our master Prophet Muhammad SAW and pass the Qur'an as a guide for us to live this life. Two sentences creed is often pronounced by us Muslims is really the spirit of life. Even in the world of work, in the corporate world, big companies, companies in the country and abroad (probably not aware of it) has been modeled after these two sentences creed. Shahada first to admit there is no god worthy of worship but Allah. This pledge is a "Commitment to the Goal". It is expressly and clearly stated "commitment to goals", that the only purpose of life is Allah SWT. Then we see in the business world, a company that has a good management must have a "Goal" that they pour in what is called the "VISION". The second shahada We witness that the Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. This pledge is a "Commitment to Strategy". It is expressly and clearly stated "commitment to the way". The only way to achieve the goal is to run in ways that have been exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad. Then in Management Science, we are familiar with the term "MISSION". Back to the first paragraph above, is often mentioned in the Quran: "Afala ta'qilun", "Afala yatadabbarun", "Afala tatafakkarun", if you were not wearing any sense, if you do not study, if you do not think. Then the question, to which we have borne the sense to examine and think to answer the question "what are we living this ..?" Nature is God's creation and everything in it has actually taught us. Look at the Sun, he shines light on the earth, providing energy, the source of life for the other objects in this Mayapada. Contohlah water, he gave the benefit to the lives of sentient beings on earth. Taste and see the air, oxygen, soil, animals, plants and other objects that were created by God, is there he's not beneficial for other things ...? the smallest creatures such as bacteria, is there no benefit for others ...? Then watch a shady tree with fruit, would not he will be far more useful and dignity if kerindangannya can be calming and fruit can be enjoyed by many people. If you bear much fruit then rots and falls, is there any benefit if so ..? Okay .. a small sample of human objects buatpun purpose is beneficial to others. Simple objects such as pens of the factory production, to what purpose ...? No other is to be used, can be useful for others (humans). So it is whatever is created by God aims to provide the maximum benefit for others. Then if we will claim only as being lovers, just as beings who receive the benefits. Is not small bacteria have taught us what our purpose of life ..? Did not the Prophet Muhammad has said clearly that "At best man is the benefit as much for others" behold, God gives us life, to be able to benefit fellow creations. Let's learn together into a tree, and then cultivate a self us to grow lush and fruitful, so that more people take shelter there and gather the fruits ............. Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.