Foot In Frame Friday Photo Contest
Photo Contest!!
You see what happened was..
I was on Vacation at Tybee Island Georgia and I was enjoying sitting in my lounge chair under a huge umbrella sipping on some wine when I decided to take a photo of the waves crashing. I did not realize my feet were in the photo.
I was about to crop my feet out of the shot when I had the idea for this contest.

(update posting the picture in the comments is no longer a requirement)
whichever best fits your post
Photo must be your original work and the foot must be your foot. Please say so in your post. Both bare feet and wearing shoes are acceptable.
Your post should also include a description of where you were and what you were up to. I wish to hear of your adventures. Family friendly photos only please.
Contest ends Friday January 19, 2018 at midnight EST (Atlanta/New York)
There must be a minimum of ten entries in this contest for me to be able to share the love.

Please remember that one of the rules is to post the link to your post to the contest post in the comments. This link is an excellent tutorial on markdown language.
I would like to thank @raised2b for his #sharethelove challenge that has inspired me to do what I can to share the love too!
It was hard to settle on the right pic, but the solar eclipse settled it. Thanks for the fun contests1
@reedracer What a totally awesome post! Thank you so much for sharing your adventure story! You were first to post in my #footinframefriday contest so I gave you a little love in your wallet.
: )
I posted your photo here in the comments for you as I have realized my rule about that may be too restrictive and updated the rule section. Good luck!
Thank You very much. I was not sure if I needed to post the picture, so thanks again :)
@txatxy Very artistic photo! Thank you for entering my #footinframefriday Photo Contest.
Good Luck!
my entry :) thanks @strypes for this contest :)
Thank you for entering my #footinframefriday Photo Contest. If the shoe fits, wear it. Pretty in pink!
Good luck!
Thank you for entering my #footinframefriday Photo Contest. If the shoe fits, wear it. Pretty in pink!
Good luck!
I found this contest interesting, because it is made of the common something imnovador, thanks for the initiative @strypes
this is my participation, I hope you like it, greetings ..
@andreinamayo I love how creative you were. Very dreamy photo! Thank you for participating in my #footinframefriday Photo Contest. Good Luck!
hello friend @strypes.. thank you for this initiative. I think this kind of contest is great. Here I leave my contribution. I hope you like it. Best regards!!
@anaaliendres87 It is good to take time to relax. Especially with your favorite show. Thank you for entering my #footinframefriday Photo Contest. Good luck!
Here is my entry:
@johnwjr7 What a fabulous foot it is! Thank you for entering my #footinframefriday Photo contest. Good luck!
I know my entry is not as exciting looking as some of the others, but this photo has served me well. I was surprised when a "foot in photo" contest popped up, but I figured it was something that this photo deserved, since it has done me so right.
Thanks to the initiative of the friend @strypes I present the following story, where photography is part of it... Best regards...
@ojmg That is a really cool photo! Thank you for entering my #footinframefriday Photo contest. Good luck!
Hey @strypes, thanks for the contest!
@imaginationicon You have a lot of miles on those shoes. Great story. Nice shot. Thank you for entering my #footinframefriday Photo Contest. Good Luck!
I love this idea for a contest! Here is my entry-

@jctdesign That is a marvelous story! Thank you so much for entering my #footinframefriday photo contest. Good luck!
Don't forget to resteem!
Oops...I upvoted, but didn't resteem. Just did it now though. Good luck with the contest. It should be fun to see all the results.
Cool! You are officially official! lol I hope to complete my judging by Sunday.
Friend @strypes a pleasure to be part of this initiative. Here my participation
Beautiful photo! Thank you for entering my #footinframefriday Photo Contest. Good luck!