Portugal 🇵🇹 Vs 🇨🇱 Chile
What a game this semi final was between Portugal and Chile. I have to give a lot of respect to the Chile's goalkeeper for an amazing job. Wow absolutely incredible, single handed shot down all the shots coming from either direction including the penalty kicks.
Yeah do I think Portugal should have won the game ? Absolutely but I have to acknowledge that Chile seemed like they wanted more and had more to prove. Portugal wasn't hoping for the amount of heat that Chile has brought on them. In my opinion the Portugal defense was a little wide open without Pepe in the back but then again who knows what he might have done. Ronaldo was marked to the T to make sure he couldn't get a good header of even have a good angle to shoot. 👏🏾👏🏾 Well done Chile for that. We all know that if you give Ronaldo any space even a little, you might regret it. Now Chile with a much deserved win will play the winner of the game between Germany 🇩🇪 and Mexico 🇲🇽.