Untukmu Bayern Muenchen, Jangan Pernah Tinggalkan Sven Ulreich Sendirian (bilingual)

in #football6 years ago

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Hai teman steemians,
Telah sekian lama tidak membuat postingan di akun steemit karena berbagai kesibukan, malam ini saya mencoba membuat satu postingan kembali. Bisa dikatakan tulisan ini sebagai amunisi baru untuk saya kembali menyempatkan diri membuat postingan di steemit.

Pertandingan semifinal Liga Champions leg kedua antara Real Madrid dan Bayern Muenchen telah berakhir, hasil akhir 2-2 tidak mampu membawa klub asal Jerman itu ke babak final.

Ada hal yang menyedihkan usai gagalnya FC Hollywood melaju ke babak final Liga Champions. Kiper Bayern Muenchen, Sven Ulreich ditinggalkan sendirian oleh rekan-rekan setimnya saat laga usai. Bahkan, para staff kepelatihan pun tidak Nampak menemani atau menyemangatinya usai laga. Ia tampak terduduk termenung lesu sambil menyesali atas performanya.

Tidak hanya itu, Ulreich juga dianggap sebagai biang keladi tidak lolosnya Muenchen ke final Liga Champions. Dirinya pun harus menerima cercaan public untuk hal tersebut.

Sebenarnya, apa yang terjadi pada Muenchen di kandang Real Madrid bukanlah 100 persen salah Sven Ulreich. Namun apapun yang terjadi, tidak etis jika para pemain dan staff kepelatihan Bayern Muenchen meninggalkannya sendirian di lapangan saat laga usai.

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Pada laga tersebut, Ulreich juga banyak melakukan penyelamatan gawangnya dari serangan Real Madrid. Nasib saja mungkin yang kurang beruntung.

Meski saya bukan sebagai fans Bayern Muenchen, apa yang terjadi pada Sven Ulreich akan membuat anda (fans klub lain) terlihat sedih. Disaat-saat seperti itu, Ulreich tidak pantas ditinggal sendirian, dia butuh penyemangat dan motivasi.

Janganlah Sven Ulreich ditinggalkan sendirian, tidak ingatkah kalian bahwa Ulreich berperan penting terhadap gelar juara Liga Jerman musim ini? Sebagai kiper kedua, dia sukses meraih 11 cleansheet dalam 24 laga dengan jumlah kebobolan paling sedikit di Liga Jerman dengan hanya menderita 21 gol. Janganlah gara-gara satu kesalahan kalian melupakan perannya di Liga Jerman.

Tetap semangat bro Sven Ulreich! you'll never walk alone. Jadi kiper itu memang berat, menang tidak terlalu dianggap, kalah selalu dijadikan alasan.

Solidaritas sesama Kiper


For Bayern Muenchen, Never Leave Sven Ulreich Alone
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Hi steemians,
For a long time did not make posting on account steemit due to various activities, tonight I tried to make one post back. It could be said this paper as a new ammo for me again took time to make a post in steemit.

The second leg Champions League semi-final match between Real Madrid and Bayern Munich has come to an end, the 2-2 final result unable to bring the Germans into the final round.

There is a sad thing after the failure of FC Hollywood advanced to the Champions League final. Bayern Munich goalkeeper Sven Ulreich was left alone by his team-mates when the game was over. In fact, the coaching staff did not seem to accompany or encourage him after the game. He seemed to sit idly listless while regretting over his performance.

Not only that, Ulreich is also regarded as the culprit not escape Muenchen into the Champions League final. Himself must also receive public reprimand for that matter.

Actually, what happened to Munich at home to Real Madrid is not 100 percent wrong Sven Ulreich. But whatever happens, it is unethical if the players and the Bayern Munich coaching staff leave him alone on the pitch when the game is over.

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In the game, Ulreich also a lot of rescue goalkeeper from the attack Real Madrid. Fate alone may be the less fortunate.

Although I am not a fan of Bayern Munich, what happens to Sven Ulreich will make you (fans of other clubs) look sad. At times like that, Ulreich does not deserve to be left alone, he needs encouragement and motivation.

Do not Sven Ulreich be left alone, do not remember you that Ulreich plays an important role against the German League title this season? As the second goalkeeper, he successfully won 11 cleansheets in 24 games with the least number of conceded in the German League with only suffered 21 goals. Do not blame for one mistake you forget his role in the German League.

Keep the spirit of bro Sven Ulreich! you'll never walk alone. So the goalkeeper is tough, not winning too much, losing is always an excuse.

Fellow Goalkeeper Solidarity


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