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RE: Stand or We Leave

in #football7 years ago

As for "Taking a knee", this isn't supporting some bogey man religion, it's protesting the Statism and crony capitalism that's destroying OUR LIVES!!!

I simply don't go to sports events, or support sports any more anyhow. The big reason is that this is "Bread and Circuses"!!!! I refuse to "Fiddle" while Rome burns around me! The United States Empire is collapsing, and those who become wrapped up in sports, or some - of the Television shows, are CHOOSING to ignore what's really going on!!! We're being strip mined for our prosperity, on a number of fronts. Our military is ALREADY engaged in war in 12 Countries 12 of them!!! A baby born Today will be $250,000 in debt (USD) with his/her first breath!!!!

I made a commitment some time ago that I would only "Stand" for the Anthem, if the flag was displayed upside down!!! The International symbol for "Distress" on the high seas is to fly your flag upside down. Our Nation is surely in "Distress"!!!!!


I am against cronyism, globalism, technocracy, etc.

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