Brady and Rodgers

in #football7 years ago

I wish we'd let our athletes say whatever they wanted.

Aaron Rodgers, Tom aBrafy, you know what, they're not like me and you.

They're highly exceptional. Not at everything, but at their little thing, and kind of at everything.

For the record I know there are typos. I've been drinking, but the typos would be there anyways. It's like.. in tellingly myself this is one time thru. That's the point of it. BUT I'm on my phone. So it's fat finger. But it just so happens that I'm not allowed to go back and correct it.

But anyways, I want their insight. I want to know what really makes them tick. Sucks that there are so many snowflakes.

Ok I have to leave the Uber.


If you are truly drunk, then the typos are going to embarrass you in the morning :-)

Truly drunk. It's basically like people want to water the greats into something normal. But really it would be good to understand what they have to say and their perspective at solving things.

They might only play football but the way they do it is really insightful.

I guess their greatness is represented in the game they play so in a manner of speaking to make decisions about their game, without letting them in on the discussion is dangerous. Like trying to prescribe a treatment to a patient without the help of a doctor, Let alone the greatest doctor that their is.

ya, well it's like they need to say things that don't trigger the average person. so they're never telling us exactly what it's like to play a sport at the highest level and what they go thru and what drives them or bothers them and how it all works.

no one tells us exactly everything that goes on with them, but most people have more wiggle room to say as much as they want.

with athletes it's more like you have to read between the lines and pick up clues about what they probably think.

Top athletes are better off by not saying whatever they want. I think athletes that are getting paid too much money chose not to say whatever they want, or don’t have much of a choice since they represent their employers. I usually don’t drink on Sunday’s since the fallowing day’s are full of headaches lol. Because you are seeing snowflakes in summer, I can imagine how you feel while reading this.
Perhaps sneak in to Brady’s Gatorade some good drink, than he may start talking in details .

haha, ya we need Brady to get drunk like me and then he'll start spilling the secret code. :p

It would be awesome if we let athletes say whatever they wanted but I guess I can see both sides. For me, I want to know what and how people are feeling/what they're thinking. I don't care if it's offensive, people are too easily offended.

On the other hand, people say athletes need to be good role models for kids. Ok, but why? Sure we don't want kids running around being little assholes, but parents have the responsibility to teach their children who a good role model is. Just because they're famous and on TV doesn't make them a good role model.

Lastly, I'm glad you had a good Sunday funday 😂


And ya, I can't stand the "athletes should be good role models" thing. It's almost like a belief in Santa Clause. Like why, because someone is on television, do you want to imply that they're necessarily good or virtuous?

The kids will just get confused about what virtue is. At best the athlete will succeed at faking it and acting the part. So then virtue is just this empty shallow cliché.

I'd rather teach my kids that they're exceptionally good at some little game, and that's all that's going on here, lol.

Well, Santa clause is real so poor argument there 😂 kidding. But very good point.

Yea for sure. I don't know why athletes have to be more than an athlete. Role models should be someone a kid knows directly, not a made up person on TV. I know athletes aren't made up, but you get my point. A lot of them are just fake through the screen.

baha Santa

Right, you only know them thru that little bit. Even tho they're real behind the scenes, we don't have access to that, so using them as a role model is effectively kind of like using a fictitious character.

(but at least the character might have some depth and substance, whereas the celeb athlete is deliberately trying to stay at a cliché, not controversial level)

I am onboard for this, would be funny to hear them actually say 'get off my dick, i'm the best that's ever lived.' That's what made Kenny Powers so legendary in EastBound and Down. We all know deep down that's what the legends are thinking, let us hear it.

ahaha ya

I guess the closest thing might be Richard Sherman talking about Crabtree!!

(And then of course people were horrified and made a big deal about it.)

sup hodlr .. setting up a steemit fantasy league soon if you're interested!!

I actually haven't played fantasy football before but I'm interested, when's the draft bro??

That's the million dollar question!!! I'll probably have to just announce a draft date, and people can decide whether they want to sign up knowing what the date is (it'd be hard to coordinate with everyone)

so will announce it soon .. maybe like a sunday afternoon? trying to think what works best for most people

It might be easier to grab everyone's email and do it that way, you've already got mine, hit me up on here or by email and I'll likely join the league. Thanks for the invite buddy. Hope all is well!!

nice!! I will!! definitely will coordinate with you to make sure the draft date is okay for you.

if anyone else sees this, also feel free to give me your email or list any dates that don't work for you.

maybe I'll make a post soliciting dates that don't work for people, and then cross those out.

I think I want people to know for sure what the draft date will be when they sign up. I don't want them to go through the trouble of signing up, and then we aren't able to find a date that works for everyone.

but ya, we could weed out some dates ahead of time.

Sounds good man, I'll try to see if anyone else on here wants to join up as well, still making friends on here.

ya for sure, thanks.. if there's TOO MUCH interest, we could always consider running 2 leagues, and maybe even meeting with a "Super Bowl" where the champs from each league face off in some sort of post-season pickem contest.

so more is good. definitely want to avoid the random upvote beggar type of accounts.. but besides that, more the merrier

I'll post soon either with more info or with the beginning of signups!

Since Peyton Manning left football Tom Brady happened to be my favorite player.
Both Tom and Aaron are superstars of American football that's for sure, but a superstar is also valued outside the playing field as a simple and humble person.
Believing that they are superior to another human being off the court for being famous that error happens to many people after they gain fame and money.
Actually I do not know how Tom and Aaron are off the field because I'm out of date with the NFL news.
quiet friend ... what your drunkenness happen to you tomorrow with a "Red Bull"

Tom acts very humble off the field!! Probably means it, to some extent, probably feels proud and strong too!!

Aaron is a little more wise and sarcastic!

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