Daily post #41 in a 50 part series leading up to April 1, 2017

in #foolsparty8 years ago

Ethical MLM musings continued . . .

Imagine an experimental DAC with MLM features that is not intended to "live" forever, like pretty much all companies and organizations -- even blockchain based ones. Rather it is designed to either fail quickly, so losses can be recovered from and lessons learned, or if it achieves certain goals, gains can be used to reward innovation and to design and launch other iterations that can both compete and synergize towards mutual values.

Let's say we have a product/service/DAC that requires $100.00 to join and our goal is to reach 11,111 members investing a total of $1,111,111.00. With 5 levels starting with a single lead entity, and each of the other levels the next power of 10, we get a second level containing 10 entities, the third level 100, the fourth level 1000, and the "bottom" level containing the vast majority of 10,000. These numbers are primarily for simplicity in this thought experiment.

So, what we want to do is incentivize viral growth up to the 11,111 limit and we can't do it by screwing over the 10,000, nor do we want or need to. So how shall we distribute the over a million raised? Let's say that 60 percent ($666,666) goes to a combination of X-Prize type team contest awards, worker proposals and jackpots that everyone has an equal chance of receiving. The other 40 percent is divided between the "top" 4 levels, so that the lead entity gets $111,111.00, the 10 on level 2 each get $11,111, the 100 on level 3 each get $1,111, and the 1000 people on level 4 get $111.00 -- getting their membership paid for plus $11.00. Level 5 (10,000) can not receive mlm payouts, and they know it.

Keep in mind, everyone is getting a great product/service and being incentivized to work in teams, develop provable reputations, learn about the new open economy, and earn front row seats in the next iterations. The 10,000 will be getting a product improved by the initial 1,111 members and will have access to coaches and team members with proven track records, in addition to their chances to win jackpots, team contests and get worker proposals funded.

They also get a chance to be part of the elite group of 11,111 that usher in a new era.

@brindleswan can be reached privately at [email protected] if you avail yourself of a free open source encrypted tutanota account.