Top 10 foods and drinks that reduce stresssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #foods2 years ago

High blood pressure is called silent death because it leads to fatal physical problems such as cardiovascular diseases, and to avoid its danger, a balanced diet must be followed that contains some healthy drinks and herbs, with an appropriate amount of water, and we will show you the top 10 foods and drinks that reduce pressure.

10- Hibiscus

The hibiscus plant maintains the normal range of blood pressure because of its benefits, which are used for many medicinal purposes.
Studies have proven that it is highly effective in reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart disease.
Despite its benefits, it should not be taken with hydrochlorothiazide, and it is not recommended during pregnancy because it affects estrogen.
How to prepare:

Drink it as tea by boiling hibiscus flowers in water for three cups every day for 2 to 6 weeks.
Fresh or dried flowers can be used with some basil and lemongrass added.

9- Raspberry juice

Studies have shown that continuing to take berry juice works to adjust blood pressure during a short period.
Cranberries contain flavonoids, which are natural compounds that maintain the rate of blood pressure in the body, thus reducing high pressure.
How to prepare:

Cranberries can be obtained and prepared as a fresh juice drink in two cups throughout the day, and you will notice a wonderful result within weeks.
It can also be frozen and mixed with your other favorite ingredients.

8- pomegranate juice

It includes qualities that suppress ACE, which promotes high blood pressure, making it one of the top 10 foods and drinks for lowering blood pressure.
Pomegranate juice combats high blood pressure by blocking the action of the enzyme angiotensin, as effectively as medical drugs used to regulate blood pressure.
Studies have also shown that it reduces systolic blood pressure by up to 30%.
It is also beneficial for the heart in general, as it resists infections that are harmful to the heart because it contains vitamin C and folic acid in large amounts.

How to prepare:

By hitting the pomegranate seeds in a blender, then filtering and sweetening with honey.
Pomegranate molasses can be made from pomegranate juice and consumed regularly.

7- Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is one of the best sources of antioxidants in the world, as it has a great role in protecting against heart disease and cancer.
Full of bioactive organic compounds like polyphenols and flavonols, which are the most powerful antioxidants.
It also has an effective role in blood flow and was classified as one of the best pressure-reducing foods and drinks because it stimulates the lining of the arteries to produce nitric oxide, which is useful to relax the arteries and thus reduce blood pressure.
It contains low-density lipoprotein oxide, which helps to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Improvement of brain function was confirmed by a recent and proven study.
Dark chocolate can be added to your diet and you will see results in a matter of days.

6- Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain a large amount of potassium, up to 950 mg, which in turn works to excrete excess sodium in the body, and works to relieve tension in the blood vessels, which leads to adjusting the level of sugar in the blood.
It is also rich in magnesium, which is essential for blood pressure, so potatoes should be added to the diet.
To avoid cardiovascular disease, eat one potato every day.

How to prepare:

It can be obtained boiled by placing it in a pot after cleaning it, putting half a cup of water and a quarter cup of sugar, and covering it until it is completely done.
It can be grilled after a good cleaning either in the oven or charcoal.
It can also be peeled and cut into cubes and climbed and then mashed well and put a layer of bechamel and then put in the oven.

5- fish

Eating fish affects the rate of high blood pressure and works to adjust the ratio to the normal rate.
It contains a lot of amino acids and many nutrients that stimulate blood circulation.
Tilapia is the best type of fish plus fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, and tuna to reduce blood pressure and reduce the tendency to clot.
Fish is saturated with omega-3, so doctors have advised eating it at least once a week.
Rich in calcium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, and iodine as well as magnesium, potassium, and amino acids.

Fish can be prepared in any way, and its benefits will not be taken away by either of them, such as:

Fry the fish in oil with drying the fish after frying.
Grill the fish in any way.
Season it with sauteed vegetables.

4- Oats

Oats are whole grains and be full of fiber, especially oatmeal, which in turn reduces the risks related to heart disease as well as vascular disease.
Oats contain antioxidants, the most important of which is avenanthramides, which help lower blood pressure because it stimulates the production of nitric oxide.
To avoid heart disease, oats should be included in regular meals, and it is ideal to consume three meals per day.
You can diversify the oatmeal meals by adding it to milk and eating it, it is a great idea to start the day with good health.
Bread can also be made from it and used in lunches as an alternative to regular bread.
Cake can be prepared from oats to be more useful than white flour.

3- Banana

Bananas are rich in potassium, and the body can get 420 mg by eating a medium-sized banana, as it provides 10% of the body's daily need for potassium.
Which works to expel sodium in the body in addition to being rich in fiber beneficial to the body.
Bananas contain many vitamins such as vitamin C and B6 as well as carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and magnesium.
You can eat bananas as a fruit, as well as you can add types of baked goods and pastries, as well as juice.

2- green leafy vegetables

Eating vegetables is of great benefit in adjusting the blood pressure rate because it contains a large number of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
They are the most important foods that maintain heart health and blood vessel health, and thus reduce blood pressure. Leafy green vegetables rich in nitrates have a major role in reducing blood pressure, and examples of these leafy vegetables are cabbage, lettuce, spinach, and chard.

1- beet juice

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Beet juice contains nitrates that expand blood vessels, so it is one of the top 10 foods and drinks that lower blood pressure.
It also contains antioxidants that help lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
In addition to the role of nitric oxide, which works on the communication of cells with each other by transmitting signals throughout the body.
It is worth noting that eating half a liter of beetroot has a magical effect in reducing pressure immediately.


Just add, juice! 🍍🍉👏Reshared.

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