sevenday black and white challenge: day 5
Impossible hot Roads and gates, the market is full of jams This season is Khan Khan Not only is it good to eat, but there is plenty of cure for Jams. Not as pure fruit, Junk seed powders are very beneficial for health. Just know, what to do and what to eat?
Hot: Glucose in the jam, fructose helps keep the body hydrated in the summer.
Heart: Reducing the chance of a heart attack by blocking the arterial gem every day.
Skin: Junk seed powders help to remove the skin, burns and stains.
Diabetes: Germ seeds contain glucoside jambolin. Which could break the tree and make it sugar turned into sugar. As a result, it helps to reduce the incidence of diabetes.
Problems with mouth: Jasmine juice helps to cure ulcer or any problem due to astringent in the jam.
Breathing difficulties: Asthma helps to prevent problems like bronchitis.
Digestion: Any problem in the liver, disorder of digestion, diarrhea, and other functional functions.
Anti Aging: Because of the high level of anti-oxidant, it helps to maintain the age of aging.
Blood pressure: Jum helps keep blood pressure normal.
Gout: Vitamin C is a great beneficial to cure gum cough.
Anemia: Because of iron and other minerals, it helps to prevent anemia.
Memory: A tea spoon increases the memory of jamer juice, honey and amalakira juice everyday.
Acne: Before you go to sleep at night, add jam seed powder to milk and apply it on acne. Get up and wash your face in the morning.
White: Helps to increase melanin on the skin. As a result, it can prevent leukoderma or white problems.
Assidy: At this time playing with the salt noon will reduce the problem of assidi.
Kidney Stone: If there is a problem with kidney stones, eat jamam seeds powder with cumin seeds.
The urine in bed: Many children have problems in urine till they are very old.
This problem will be reduced by adding jam seeds to half a tablespoon of water and feeding them daily.
Polyurea: Pouring the seeds of jam twice a day to 2 grams. You can get rid of the problem of polyuria.
Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoea problems from bleeding Take 2-3 months to reduce the problem will reduce the problem.
EBS: You can get rid of Iritable Boyal Syndrome (EBS) by playing dry gram palm every day in one village.
I like that fruits :)