"Ramen" Japanese traditional food and how to prepare it.

in #food8 years ago

Hello steemians friends

We meet again at this change to create an useful article from my stemians friends.

The first thing I want to say is I would like to thank to @rejacole who has taught me about this useful program so that I can earn money from this amazing program and for Mr. @good-karma, I appreciate you because of your esteem program in mobile, I can easily create some good article.

So guys, at this time, I want to tell to all steemians about Ramen and how to cook it well . I have try this recipe at home. It's delicious !

so check this out !

As a people who live in Japan, I feel sad at how ramen is treated in the west. It is considered the epitome of junk food, a greasy, carcinogenic mess, lacking in any nutrients whatsoever and only to be eaten as a last resort or as a college student...
Here in its home country, ramen is, if not the healthiest thing around, at least something that you can eat every day and not get sick. And of course, the taste is incomparable.

This recipe will tell you how to cook true ramen from scratch, with little more cost than a instant ramen packet (depending on what you do for the soup). It takes some extra effort, but if you enjoy cooking and know how to knead things, it should be okay!

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients

**You will need :**

3/4 Cups Flour (see below)
1 egg
~3/4 tsp salt (or to taste)
~1 tbsp water (depending on flour and humidity)

In Japan, we do not have all-purpose flour, only with gluten and high gluten flours, that we have to mix. If you have good access to these flours, you have to mix it about 1 part low gluten to 2 parts high gluten. in the other word, just use all-purpose flour. It's not vital to the noodles.

This dough doubles or even quadruples very well, although the dough becomes harder to knead.

Step 2: Combine.

Blend the dry fixings, make a well in the middle, and beat the eggs and water inside.

At that point gradually consolidate the fixings together.

Step 3: Knead That Dough.

Once your fixings are to some degree joined, dump the stuff onto your Spotless counter and begin working. It ought to be somewhat stiffer than bread mixture.

The batter is prepared when your hands turn out to be genuinely spotless and the mixture does not stick as much any longer (and when your lower arms are sore). When it is the correct consistency, you ought to have the capacity to lift your hand and the mixture should tumble off after about a moment.

On the off chance that it's excessively sticky, include some flour and manipulate it in. On the off chance that it doesn't stick by any means, include some water a couple of DROPS at any given moment.

Step 4: Rest

The batter needs to rest before we extend it, else it won't make decent thin noodles.

Place it in a sodden material and discover something to accomplish for no less than 30 minutes in the late spring, up to 2 hours in the winter.

Step 5: Stretch It!

Take the mixture ball and (on the off chance that you are making a twofold or triple part of the formula) break it into a solitary bit (Else we'll get a monstrous batter circle). Sprinkle some flour liberally finished the batter, take a moving pin or roller and begin extending it. I assume you could utilize a ravioli mixture stretcher thing as well, however I don't have one of those.

On the off chance that you can, get it to around 1mm in thickness. On the off chance that it begins staying, get some more dry flour onto there.

In the event that it begins springing back to its unique shape, let it rest for a moment or two.

Step 6: Cut the Dough!

Take the mixture ball and (on the off chance that you are making a twofold or triple part of the formula) break it into a solitary bit (Else we'll get a monstrous batter circle). Sprinkle some flour liberally finished the batter, take a moving pin or roller and begin extending it. I assume you could utilize a ravioli mixture stretcher thing as well, however I don't have one of those.

On the off chance that you can, get it to around 1mm in thickness. On the off chance that it begins staying, get some more dry flour onto there.

In the event that it begins springing back to its unique shape, let it rest for a moment or two.

Step 7: Boil It!

I hope you got some water bubbling as of now. I generally overlook. At any rate, once the water bubbles, salt it, at that point sprinkle the noodles into the water. on the off chance that you dump them in, they will stick. Blend the noodles around with chopsticks.

As long as the water is hot enough, they should start floating.

I more often than not bubble them around 4 minutes, contingent upon how thin I got the noodles. The most ideal route is to simply taste the noodles and deplete them when they're sufficiently delicate. You can likewise heat up a few vegetables or meat with the noodles to warm them up, simply try to not chill the water off excessively when you place them in.

**Step 8: Add Some Soup and Eat. **

If you make with your own stock, just the stock and some seasoning will work perfect. You can also make tonkotsu soup with pig bones, but that amounts to about a day of simemring and reducing, something I am too lazy

Spinach and Chinese cabbage (hakusai) both run awesome with ramen, as does most sorts of gentle meat.You can likewise include corn, peas, or some other way of solidified vegetables. Eggs additionally go will in the soup, hard bubbled or blended in.

Finally, let me tell the price. The eggs, flour and salt should come to no more than 50 cents. Depending on how much you spend on your soup, you should be able to get a decent bowl of ramen for about a dollar in ingredients. Not much more expensive than a instant packet! You can, of course, really go crazy on the condiments.

so my steemians friends, I hope you enjoy my article and try this recipe.

Dont forget to follow me @zulfikarkamui

Thank you very much. Have a nice day


I'm from Colombia but I LOVE SOUPS!

I'll give this a try

Thank you for the wonderful recipe!

you're welcome buddy
i am from indonesia
enjoy it

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