
Yes they call that "Beldroega" in many parts of Brazil - it's so tasty and with a great texture! I had it growing in a tiny weed/herb garden I had at my front door in Brazil, would pop it into salads. It's so amazing the nutritional content of so many wild plants.

Beldroega? I like it!

Yes, unlike modern crops where they breed plants for flavors at the expense of nutrition. Wild plants or 'weeds' (according to most) are powerhouse foods as well as medicine for a great number of illnesses.

#EatTheWeeds has been my motto for years.

I thinks it's also that cultivated plants get an easy ride, beign pampered there are an excess of nutrients availabel to them so it's like they can evolved to be lazy, whereas wild plants are like mean street cats, they have to strive and suck up every nutrient they can get their ancillary roots on! hence they are actually pretty choca block full of goodness, although as you say they are also pretty bitter and there is a blurry line between food>medicine>poison!

Haha yes! They are the mean street cats of the plant kingdom that despite their benefits they get a bad wrap because of that mean cat facade.
Plus the decades of negative campaigns to stigmatize these wild plant foods for their own profits from herbicides and allopathic medicines.

I guess as well they used to often be looked upon as famine foods so there would have been a certain social stigma assocaited with them much of the time, in the sense that people don't want to be seen as poor, and what you are forced to eat when you're poor must be inferior to what you buy when you have dosh.

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