Let's Talk About Mangoes

in #food6 years ago

The tree remains evergreen, often reaching about fifteen to eighteen (15–18) metres and about fifty to sixty feels (50–60 feet). It's simple leaves are lanceolate, up to 30 cm (12 inches) long and flowers appears small and pinkish. While some of it species have both stamens and pistils, some others have just stamens. For the fruit, varies greatly in size and character and it's form could appear heart-shaped, round or oval, and even kidney-shaped. But the smallest of it shapes are not any bigger than than plums. It may may weigh about 1.8 to 2.3 kg (4 to 5 pounds) and it's varieties are appears really coloured with shades yellow or red , while others are just dull green. It's single large seed is flattened, and the flesh which surrounds it could be either yellow or orange in colour, undoubtedly juicy, and irresistibly distinctive due to its sweet-spicy flavour.

Okay, so what are we talking about here?!; it's quite obvious it's a fruit... but what fruit?!


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Mango is a delicious juicy tropical fruit which belongs to *Mangifera genus. Mango has for centuries been one of the most favorite fruit of many and strongly loved for its spectacular great flavor soothing fragrance. Apart from its rich flavor, it is considered to very high in its nutritional value. Over a thousand varieties are yet existing and these are classified based on the mode of cultivation, it size and shapes. let's take a look at some of the very popular varieties.

The consumption of fruits of all kinds has long been linked to reducing risks of a lot of life-style related health conditions. A lot of studies over time have even suggested that an increased consumption of plant fruits such as mangoes could over time decreases one's risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality. Other benefit includes the promotion of a healthy looking complexion and hair, and overall lower weight and increased energy. The consumption of mangoes could possibly help in protecting and strengthening the body in the following ways:


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  • Diabetes

Result of recent studies have shown that people wwhi have type 1 diabetes but consume high-fiber diets would have a lower amount of blood glucose levels; as well as people with type 2 diabetes would see an improved level of blood sugar, insulin and lipids levels. One cup of mango equals about three (3) grams of fiber.

  • Digestion

Mangoe due to its natural water and fibre content, help in the prevention of constipation and promotion of a healthy digestive tract.

  • Heart disease

The fiber, vitamin and potassium content of mangoes all combines to help to ward off heart disease. An increase in the intake of potassium alongside a decrease in the intake of sodium is a very vital dietary change which any person can make in order to reduce their risk of hypertension.

  • Skin and Hair

Mangoes are very great for the hair due to the fact that they contain vitamin A which is required for the production of sebum which keeps the hair moisturized. Vitamin A is very much necessary for the growth of bodily tissues, and this includes the skin and hair. An appropriate consumption of vitamin C, (which can be derived from just one cup of mango juice per day), is needed for the building and maintaining collagen, which provides the structure for hair and skin.

  • Age-related macular degeneration

An antioxidant called zeaxanthin, which is found in mangoes, is responsible for filtering out harmful blue light rays and is believed to play a protective role in eye health and ward off damage which may occur as a result of macular degeneration.

  • Prevention of Asthma

The risk of one developing asthma is reduced in persons who take in a high amount of certain nutrients. Of these nutrients include beta-carotene, which is found in mangoes, cantaloupe, pumpkin, papaya, apricots, broccoli, and carrots.

Personally, I love taking mangoes. If you don't naturally then I guess I just gave you some reasons.

Thank You.


Wow... Amazing content.
If we all take at least one (mango) fruit at day some of the health issue we encountered would be reduced by 90%.
Lovely content. We are now following you. @we-care

In our family we love mangoes. I had no idea that there was this many health benefits to them. Do you know the best way to access the fruit? I always struggle to get all of the lovely fruit away from pit. I tend to cut down close to the pit then take the flesh from the skin. I notice my daughter-in-law always peels the skin away first. Is there a real trick for getting the most flesh?

I honestly do no know.... I do the same thing your daughter does while taking it.

Thanks for replying.I am guessing that there is no real answer. Everyone must use the method they think will yield the most flesh. Either way mangoes are delicious.

Behold, my favourite fruit.

Oh really? That's cool.

Nice posting stach-uyo

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