RE: The real reason eating meat/dairy is bad for you (It has nothing to do with what you are thinking)
I'm skeptical of this for a few reasons. Firstly, there's no food you can buy nowadays that hasn't been stripped of the majority of it's nutrients and replaced with poisons of some type or another.
So the people who are testing healthier by not eating meat, are still receiving plenty harmful substances by way of alternative food sources.
Also, the meat industry is a powerhouse of both political and economic influence. This is how they manage to get away with cutting down pretty much all of the amazon jungle to make room for cattle farms. I expect they would have the necessary pull to make sure that if anything, these tests were performed on the best possible meat products so as not to reveal just how awful the lower grade stuff is.
From personal experience, I can tell you that when I used to eat meat everyday, I was always tired. I haven't eaten any in over a year now, and I feel I have a lot more energy and am just healthier all round. I was probably eating the lower grade meat though so I don't how much that counts for..
Humans have clearly lost what every animal seems to still possess. They know instinctively what to eat and what not to eat. I think that by looking at our closest relatives in the animal kingdom who we share so much in common with, the chimpanzee, we can maybe learn from them what our diet ought to be. There diet consists of mostly nuts, seeds, fruit, vegetables and flowers, with a mere 2% meat/insects(allegedly).
Perhaps the natural human diet, the one that will keep us healthy for as long as possible, is not so dissimilar from this..
Any change from (SAD) food from the will make you feel better ,right now i'm on ketogenic diet pasture raised everything & i have unlimited energy , this same messages goes out to the vegans as they make GMO plants and pesticides in the food. It's the poison that they are adding that is killing us not the foods itself.
Oh, I'm 100% with you on that. I did say that without eating meat you're still eating a lot of harmful toxins. I'm just not sold on the necessity to eat meat as a whole.
Right now i'm leaning towards 51% yes we do need meat as when i became a vegan it nearly killed me & left me sterile HOWEVER there are people that say it works just fine for them , perhaps i don't have the correct gene expression to sustain it properly or i just did something wrong like my plants were not really organic & i was poisoning myself. I'm also leaning towards my gut bacteria was not producing any b-12 so that lead to a severe deficiency. I have been eating a lot of fermented foods lately , so i'm willing to see if this was the case.
I was also a vegan for a short period of time and that was the healthiest I had ever felt in my life. I would sleep for only 2/3 hours and wake up and actually want to go for a run. Lol. I have also never had meditative experiences like I did when I was vegan.
Unfortunately though, I am weak. And so I find myself back on the dairy. I don't like many vegetables, so it proves rather difficult to sustain a vegan diet.
Can I ask how long it was you were vegan for? If it was a short period of time, it's possible it could have been a shock to your system and your body needed time to adapt? - and I add, I don't mean adapting to not eating meat, more like, withdrawal symptoms from all of the additives/chemicals/drugs that are in the meat you were eating.
When i started to want to loose weight i became a vegetarian and that lasted years , before i saw fat sick & nearly dead and decided i wanted to do that for 30 days, right after that i went another 30 days as a vegan . Right away i noticed i had zero sperm (i was shooting blanks) my hair started falling out, i lost a severe amount of strength. I had to do a bone meal broth to help fix the leaky guy i had developed from being a vegan, I was thinking i was way to alkaline and my body was not braking down the material i need to live . The ketogenic diet is fixing everything that being a vegan did to me.
I don't think it's anything to do with being too alkaline. The human body has PH regulators that maintain the level, and it's acidity that is the problem anyway.
That does sound like an awful amount of things to do through in a short period of time.
I can relate to loss of strength, or at least muscle. I used to always be rather muscly for no apparent reason, as I didn't work out. But, after becoming vegetarian, I lost quite a lot of muscle. I have never been very self conscious of my body in any regards, so it was not enough of a reason to make me start eating meat again, and I don't feel physically weak.
The other issues sound a lot more serious and I haven't heard of this happening to someone who quit meat before. Because it was only over a period of thirty days though, how can you be certain it was in fact that diet and not something else?
I don't wan to recommend trying it again in case it was in fact the diet, but might be worth thinking about what other changes you made in your life at that time, because it may not have been the lack of meat.
Based on the symptoms it does sound like some type of nutrient deficiency if anything, but perhaps something a lot more prudent than B12, like protein. especially in regards to the weakness. If you go off meat you need to ensure you are eating foods with plenty of protein in them. Nuts are really the best for that..
I'm a body builder i need 200 grams of protein to maintain and yes i'm around 200 lbs muscle , so that was not the problem because i was eating a ton of hemp, peas, chlorella. As i was saying perhaps it was something else. I forgot to mention also developed candida overgrowth which i'm barely figuring out that kefir is the way to beat it as it gives you insane amounts of probiotics. I have been dandruff free for around 2 weeks now.
Guys, it's not the meat that is bad per sé but the cooking. Makes it very hard to digest. I know this after trying at least 7 diets... A person close to me does the Wahls diet, it is actualy researched and dogfooded thoroughly.