How to cook noodles with carrots that delicious ( Cara memasak indomi dengan wortel yang lezat )

in #food8 years ago

Two languages English and indonesia

Hello all...!!!
Today I want to share recipe with you : How to cook noodles with carrots that delicious ( Cara memasak indomi dengan wortel yang lezat )

This food looks simple, but it feels very delicious / Makanan ini terlihat sederhana tetapi rasanya sangat lezat

You want to try it, Here are the ingredients and how to cook / Anda mau mencobanya, berikut adalah bahannya dan cara memasaknya
English languages
The main ingredient :
  • 1 sachet Noodle
  • 20 grams cooking oil
  • 1 carrot (small cut)
  • 1 leek (small cut)
  • 20 grams of bean sprouts
  • 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 cup water

Ingredients are sliced :
  • 3 red chili
  • 10 pieces cayenne pepper
  • 2 cloves Shallot
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 tomato

Indonesia languages
bahan utama :

1 sachet indomi
20 gram minyak goreng
1 wortel (potongan kecil)
1 daun bawang (potong kecil)
20 gram tauge
1/2 sendok makan kecap
1 gelas air

Bahan yang diiris :

3 cabe merah
10 cabe rawit
2 siung bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
1 tomat

English and indonesia languages
How to cultivate it / Cara mengolahnya :
boiled noodles then dispose of used water stew / Rebus mie lalu buang air bekas rebusan

Set skillet / siapkan wajan
heat the oil / Panaskan minyak
stir-fry until fragrant slices of material / Tumis sampai harum irisan bahan

enter carrot and bean sprouts / Masukkan wortel dan tauge

wait minute while stirring / Tunggu sebentar sambil diaduk
enter water / Masukkan air

enter leek / Masukkan daun bawang
enter Noodle / Masukkan indomi yang sudah disedu

add soy sauce / tambahkan kecap

cooked 5 minutes, while stirring stir / Dimasak 5 menit, sambil diaduk aduk
enter the seasoning of the noodles / Masukkan bumbu indomi
wait minute while stirring / Tunggu sebentar sambil diaduk
Finished / sudah siap

This recipe I wrote in aceh sumatra - indonesia / resep ini saya tulis di aceh sumatra - indonesia
You like Follow me @silvia Thank you very much


i love indonesian food. i have been to indonesia few times already. beautiful country and very friendly people.

Look so great
have a great friday

thank you for commenting🤓 @lordoftruth

Masakan yang enak @silvia.

Duh ngiler, enaaaakkkkk

Great recipe man keep posting waiting for another post :)

Sesekali patut di coba mie ikan tuna/engkot jerbok...hehe

Jet long coba pajan pajan entrek @matanglada makasih beh

Mantap jiwa :)

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