10 Best Weight Loss Foods of All Time

in #food7 years ago



Almond is characterized by many health benefits in addition to its health benefits and nutritional value is a good component to lose weight and remove excess fat Almond helps in weight loss because it contains a type of fat that is not absorbed completely in the body and therefore acts as a barrier to other types of fat and this explains why the ability of almonds to reduce weight, almonds free of cholesterol and rich in the six essential nutrients, namely fiber, magnesium, protein, Compared to other types of nuts They also contain plenty of vitamin E.



Eating this fruit every day will help you lose weight.One of the most important benefits of apples is that it is used in rapid slimming, where some see it as the best strategy to slim the body. It has been proven recently through experiments and studies that eating apples alone can Slimming body, as it does the work of slimming without dieting. A recent study showed that eating an apple a day helps to burn fat.



Artichoke is a good food for those who want to lose and slim their bodies. It is low in calories. 100 grams of artichoke contains 53 calories, and it is an excellent source of fiber that gives fullness for long periods. Artichoke extracts help digest fat from the body and get rid of food waste properly, is one of the important keys to help to follow a diet healthy helps to lose weight.



Avocados work on weight loss despite the fact that it contains a high proportion of fat, but it is good fats and contains many vitamins and nutrients that make it ideal for entry in any diet system. Avocado is characterized by its high fiber content, so it facilitates digestion as well as soluble fiber, which works to resist the process of cracking and slow down carbohydrates, causing the feeling of fullness for a longer period, and thus helps to lose weight.



Eating bananas especially at breakfast helps the body to secrete the hormone "colystokinen" which in turn sends a signal to the nervous system as an alert to the intestines is fullness and unwilling to eat more food.The benefits of bananas are not limited to weight loss at this point. Only high-capacity bananas can prevent the absorption of certain types of carbohydrates, which contribute significantly to weight gain. Bananas also contain a high amount of resistant starch, potassium, fiber and vitamin C6, which enhances the feeling of fullness of the stomach. And satiety, as well as its ability to improve the processes of metabolism and digestion. It has been scientifically proven that eating bananas stimulates metabolism, increases calories and reduces the risk of over-eating throughout the day. So eating banana in a structured way can lose weight in a healthy and fast way.



Broccoli is a vegetable that helps to reduce appetite. It contains vitamins, Calcium and beta-carotene, which works to strengthen eyesight and maintain eye health. Broccoli is used in many recipes that are used for dieting because they contain fibers that help to feel fullness.


Brown rice

Brown rice contains a low carbohydrate content of white rice. In addition,eating brown rice daily helps prevent weight gain. It makes you feel better all day long.brown rice is rich in mink, which strengthens bone health and reduces arthritis. So you can take brown rice twice a week to prevent arthritis and other bone-related diseases.



Cabbage is a vegetable recommended by doctors and nutritionists for people who want to lose weight and get rid of accumulated fat,and one of the most effective reasons in this aspect is its ability to control the blood sugar and make it within the normal range,it is known that the decline in the level of sugar in the body increases the desire of the individual and the need to eat large amounts of food,however, eating it does not burn accumulated body fat as many people think,but what distinguishes it is that it is one of the low-calorie foods,in addition to rich fiber, which contributes to the arrival of human to the stage of satiety very quickly with the acquisition of a small amount of calories.



The carrot contains very rich amounts of fiber and is one of the most important materials that work on slimming, as these fibers go to the stomach along with other nutrients, which in turn stimulates digestive enzymes to try to digest these fibers and this helps in the speed of the metabolism that works on Burn a large part of the energy. The islands are also low in fat and calorie content, each containing 100 g of about 41 calories



Because cauliflower contains good amounts of fiber, it helps digestion and helps to feel fullness and not wanting to eat for long periods, and contains a little fat and a small amount of sugary so it is one of the foods that benefit people with weight, Contains substances that contribute to the elimination of obesity and accelerate the combustion processes and stimulate the metabolism, all increase the proportion of fat burning and the elimination of excess weight.

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Much Love, sara <3

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