Acne and Nutrition – Finding the link between the Two
Did you stumble upon this post trying to find a permanent solution to your acne? Well, you have come to the right place. Acne and breakouts can occur at the most random times and one instantly loses the confidence to go out and face people. We all have been through a situation when we are all excited about attending an event and as soon as you see your face with bumps, it drains out your excitement. At such times, anti-acne creams don’t help much. In fact, not all products are suitable for every skin type. One should keep away from chemicals as much as possible. The truth is that if you really want a flawless skin and a healthy and fresh looking face then the most tried, tested and scientifically proven solution is good nutrition. Your eating and other intake habits largely influence your skin. Though many dermatologists still disagree with this research, me being a victim and trying a number of methods approve of this statement and I do believe that certain dietary food has really helped with not just acne but also the glow.
Of course, I would like to share a few tips with you guys too but only if you are really willing to work on it and have patience! Here are a few tips that would help fight acne through nutrition:
- Sip Water as much as possible:
The first and most important tip that you must add as a part of your routine is to sip water as much as you can throughout the day. Every dermatologist and nutritionist urges on drinking at least 2litres water a day. The reason is very simple to understand, it continuously washes out the toxins from your body, keeping your skin well hydrated.
- Avoid Sugar
High refined sugar and other highly refined grain products are a major contributor to acne and avoiding sugary food and excessive amounts of processed grains can lower the chances of acne to a great extent. You can start by cutting down on extra sugar intake daily. Limit its dose and gradually get used to food that not too sweet and fatty in properties.
- Increase Essential Vitamin Intake:
Acne may also be a result of the deficiency of useful vitamins. For example, vitamin C is very good for the skin which is found in citrus fruits such as orange. If, for any reason, you are unable to consume it, simply go for vitamin supplements which are easily available in pharmacies and show great results. You can also go for fresh juices. They’re not only refreshing to the body but your skin as well.
- Avoid High Caffeine drinks:
It is recommended by dermatologists to avoid high caffeine drinks. There was a time I used to take coffee daily and I remember how dull and dry, sometimes oily, my skin had gotten. I had to struggle with myself to cut down on caffeine and although it took some time, I managed to completely shift from caffeine to other healthier options. So what can you take as an alternate? Some studies show that green tea helps fight acne. However, keep yourself limited to a certain amount of excessive use of anything can be harmful. I also take milk at times.
- Take more Fruits and Vegetables:
Fruits and vegetables are known to be the best for your face and help in detoxifying the skin, keeping it healthy and clean. Take as many fruits as you can and if you are that much of a vegetable person, go for smoothies. Smoothies offer an easy way of nutrients intake in the form of a drink. You can also add vegetables and fruits to your liking and enjoy it every day, preferably in the morning. You will find many options for different combinations that are all beneficial for not just the skin but also your body. I have made it a habit to drink water with cucumber, lemon and ginger in it daily.
When you control your diet and are able to maintain a healthy routine, stay motivated with it and try to de-stress yourself with exercises. Stress can also cause breakouts and when that happens, we are often unable to identify the problem. However, you should take control of all the things that are in your hands and diet is one of those things. Also, try not to be overstressed over something as that can be harmful to your health as well. Good luck with fighting that acne and once you achieve your goal, share your story with others to motivate them too!
You had mentioned great points! Personally, I would also include dairy as the number one factor for acne. ;)
I totally agree with @simple.pure.katy The FDA allows a very large quantity of somatic (pus) cells in dairy products here in the United States. It just seems common sense that if you're drinking and eating pus, your body will attempt to excrete it in the most efficient way it can. Got Acne? should be the campaign....
oh ... fight with Acne is an endless fight .. I know this topic very well
تُعتبر ظاهرة حبّ الشباب من المشكلات التي تواجه الفئة الشابّة والمراهقة، وتواجه أصحاب البشرة الدُهنيّة بالدرجة الأولى، وذلك بسبب زيادة إفراز الدهون، والتغيّرات الهرمونيّة التي تحدث في جسم الشخص في فترة المراهقةوهناك طرق عديدة لعلاج حب الشباب ولكن من الافضل استعمال ادوية طبيعية مثلا تُعصر حبّة من الليمون، مع بعض القطرات من زيت الزيتون إليها، وملعقة من العسل الطبيعيّ، تُخلط جيداً ويوضع منها على حبّ الشباب، وتُترك لمدة خمس دقائق، ثمّ تُغسل جيداً بالماء المُضاف إليه القليل من ماء الورد. و انصحك باستعالمه وبعد ان تنتهي اخلطي مايزينة وماء ورد هو ماسك للوجة يخلصك من الحبوب والبقع السوداء ويفتح وجهك ويجعله اكثر حنية ورطوبة ..
So true! I too have found out the natural ways are the only true ways to beauty, and have the best skin of my life. Four years ago I quit make-up & started eating toxin-free all-natural food. Good information to share!
Really a awesome post...Full of information...Love it...Keep it up
Good post
everybody in the world need this and also put interest in it it helps now
Excellent article, very interesting.
Having struggled with acne for YEARS, this hits very close to home.
Thank you for this.
I was going to get a nose ring, because I have a reoccurring pimple on my nose. maybe now after reading this, I have found the solution! no nose ring lol