My favorite crop ripe and ready.
finally our first harvest of figs of
the season!
harvested 10 pounds in one day & it’s only our first harvest!
There are even more delicious in Sustainable than they are beautiful!
So sweet and so nutritious.
What a great crop and sooo easy!
all we have to do is water it trim it once a year and harvest the fruits!
#sustainabilitymatters #quinneaker #lifeiswhatyoumakeit #selfreliance #sustainability #sustainableliving #bethechange #fruit #blogger #influencer #livingmybestlife #intothegardenofeden #goodlife #garden #beauty #gardeningtips #realfood #health #positivevibes #beautiful #healthyfood #planting #gardening #figs #fruit #harvest #rawfood #beyondorganic #wildcrafted #homegrown
I love these bad boys indeed
Mega awesome!!!! And today is another day....more and more figs!!! YAY!