The Complement and Enchanter
Basically, besides the spicy taste, the taste of chilli actually very diverse.
Sambal can be made from raw materials. This can be seen from the concoction of raw material like dabu-dabu from Manado. Sambal can also be formulated from various ingredients such as chili, onion and others that have been matured first.
Processed chillies into chilli sauce, both cooked and raw, which must all have similar similar taste lines. It produces an appetizing spicy race.
Basically in addition to the taste of spicy, sauce taste is actually very diverse. Refreshing acid, or savory like chili paste. There is even a chili sauce with a pretty sweet taste. But all must be nice.
Spicy and delicious, Both of these are what make sambal become one of the dish that often imprinted at dinner table of family in Indonesia. In fact, the father of Indonesian proclaimer, Soekarno, also told never to escape from the sambal served directly on the cobek while dining.
Almost all regions in Indonesia develop their chili creations based on abundant local materials in the area. Not infrequently, sambal even become a culinary icon and become the identity of a region.
For example, for example, sambal matah. Sambal from chunks of raw ingredients such as chili, tomato, onion, lemon grass, tomatoes with lime juice, and this oil becomes one of the sambal culinary references that is identical with the Island of Gods, Bali. Or dabu-dabu the sambal icon from Manado, North Sulawesi.
Sambal is basically a spicy sauce with the main ingredient is chili is crushed to remove the content of chili juice that makes it spicy. For chili itself actually has many types that will be able to influence the taste and the level of spiciness of the chillies used.
For example cayenne pepper. Chili small size with green or red color is quite spicy as a raw material of chili. In contrast to chilli lombok (long shaped with green or red color) that is not too spicy like cayenne pepper or chilli known super spicy.
The main ingredient is then supplemented with a number of other additives to enhance the taste of the sauce.
Other ingredients that are often added in chili sauce are onion and garlic and sugar and salt or shrimp paste, which makes the sauce more delicious.
However, some regions in Indonesia also add other materials such as fruits, foliage to marine products in their chili composition. For example, mature durians are added in many tempoyak sauce served in the community kitchen of Sumatra, especially in Bengkulu.
Sambal tampoyak has a distinctive aroma that can be obtained from the use of durian fruit flesh. Can be served as sambal matah or ripe, tampoyak sauce is made from fermented durian ripe meat flesh mixed with fine chili and additional spices other. People in Bengkulu often serve as a supplement to eat.
In East Java, the community also added young mango slices in their pencal sauce. Spicy fresh and suitable to accompany serve sea food. In West Java, leunca is added in sambal meraka along with basil leaves. There is also sambal roa that uses roa fish (Galafea) as the main ingredient other than chili.
Through his book, Indonesian culinary expert, Suryatini N Ganie at least noted there are 100 variants of sambal that exist in various regions in Indonesia. Each sambal variant requires a variety of ingredients and spices. Starting from tempe, oncom, eggplant to thick coconut milk or areh.
Sambal can also vary from the level of flavor, ranging from spicy, to very spicy. Asem and savory. Some chili sauce also has a pretty strong sense of sweetness.
In penyajianya sambal usually have their "soul mate" respectively. Some chili sauce with the character of spicy and sour taste, usually will be more suitable can be served together with various sea foods such as fish, shrimp and others. While salted fish and vegetable sour, will be more suitable when served with chili paste.
Another thing to consider in the presentation of chili sauce is that it includes foods that are not durable. So you should make sambal to once eat. But if the chili is cooked, the sauce can last in a few days. Good luck. nik / various sources / E-6
Tips Meracik Sambal
Generally make sauce is quite simple and does not require a long time. However not everyone can blend hot and spicy sambal. Selection of good materials and the composition of the ingredients into one of the spicy and delicious hot spicy.
Before chili sauce, the thing to remember is the durability of the sauce. Some types of sauce formulated from raw materials tend not to last long, while the cooked chilli is much more durable. Especially with proper storage.
For the use of materials, you should use fresh ingredients. Especially if you want to make raw sambal. The aroma of fresh red onion will make a delicious taste in raw sauce. Especially if coupled with lime juice or lime juice. The aroma really will inspire your appetite.
As for the chili, also must be considered. Whether it's the level of chili pepper or aroma from the resulting chili. Curly red chili usually tend to flavorlessly. To reduce the scent of langu on the curly pepper, usually added cayenne pepper.
Finally, to produce the right chili texture, the sauce should not be smoothed with a blender. The sauce should be cured only in cobek with a texture that is not too smooth, but also not too rough.
Chili Sauce Recipe
One variant of sambal that is quite familiar in the tongue of Indonesian society is sambal terasi. The taste of chili paste is savory and suitable as a hot rice companion or salted fish. The following recipe chili paste is taken from the book "Aneka Sambal Nusantara".
Material :
- 10 pieces of red chili, roughly sliced
- 5 pieces of cayenne pepper, roughly sliced
- 2 cloves of garlic, roughly sliced
- 2 grains of red onion, roughly sliced
- 1/2 teaspoon of shrimp paste
- 1 grain of pecan
- Oil for sauteing
- Sugar red to taste
- Salt
- Orange juice 1 piece
How to make :
- Fry all the ingredients together with terasi and hazelnut until smooth2. Mashed or dredged ingredients with sugar and salt.
- Serve chilli with lime juice
I love spicy like this. Great work..!
karthi follow me and upvote....
what is that.......recipies name................
followback ....and upvote...
I made sambal oil a few months back to go with some home made falafel... wow! So good! Thanks for sharing your information and recipe! I'll resteem, and upvote.