La fruta en forma de estrella - Tamarindo chino | The star-shaped fruit - Chinese Tamarind

in #food3 years ago


Va, hoy me trajeron una bolsa llena de este fruto y se que muchos no lo conocen asi que se los voy a mostrar y hablarles un poco de su sabor y de como podria utilizarse, todo esto sin leer ninguna informacion de internet, simplemente mi experiencia y mi punto de vista segun mis gustos.

Well, today they brought me a bag full of this fruit and I know that many do not know it, so I am going to show it to you and tell you a little about its flavor and how it could be used, all this without reading any information on the internet, simply my experience and my point of view according to my tastes.


Esta fruta segun logro entender, no califica en el grupo de los citricos, aunque si tiene un sabor bastante acido cuando es verde y aun maduro tiene algo de acidez. Por dentro está llena de liquido, es muy humeda y con textura crujiente como manzana verde. El sabor no se parece a ninguna otra fruta, aunque si tuviera que compararlo lo haria con jobos amarillos, que seguramente tampoco sabras que es, luego te los muestro

This fruit, as far as I can understand, does not qualify in the citrus group, although it does have a quite acidic flavor when it is green and even ripe it has some acidity. Inside it is full of liquid, it is very moist and with a crunchy texture like a green apple. The flavor is not like any other fruit, although if I had to compare it I would do it with yellow jobos, which you probably won't know what it is either, then I'll show you


Ahora, medicamente es un fruto con cierta toxicidad asi que el consumo debe ser moderado y para consumirlo, puedes simplemente morderlo y ya, tiene unas pocas semillas muy suaves que se pueden comer y la piel es bastante parecida a la de una manzana. Se que se puede hacer jugo y tambien dulces, aunque lo que mas me gusta y mas recomiendo es cortarla en estrella como en ls foto anterior y cubrirlas con caramelo, asi al morder se sentiria algo muy dulce y luego la gran explosion de sabores acidos, agrios y dulces.

Now, medically it is a fruit with some toxicity so consumption should be moderate and to consume it, you can simply bite into it and that's it, it has a few very soft seeds that can be eaten and the skin is quite similar to that of an apple. I know that you can make juice and also sweets, although what I like the most and recommend is to cut it into a star as in the previous photo and cover it with caramel, so when you bite you would feel something very sweet and then the great explosion of acid flavors, sour and sweet.

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