Benefits and harms of squid.

in #food8 years ago

Squid are a great product for dieters, and for those who seek to gain weight. The benefit of the squid far exceeds the damage that can cause uncontrolled consumption of squid in the food.

Squid represent so amazing seafood that is necessary to say a few words about these clams before moving on to consideration of their useful and harmful properties.

Squid is low fat shellfish with amazing abilities

Squids belong to the group of decapod cephalopods. Simply put, the squid is seafood, not fish. Therefore, squids are completely devoid of a pronounced fishy taste.

Few people know, but the squid, despite its odd appearance, belong to the group of the inhabitants of seas and oceans. In speed sailing with them can compete only tuna, Yes, dolphins – sea real sprinters.

Squid are not only able to move very quickly in water, but even to jump out of it, as do the flying fish. There is considerable evidence from seafarers when squid, in pursuit of prey, so high out of the water that was on the deck of a ship.

While squid do not just jump out of the water, and is able to dial at this point with such speed that they fly many meters in the air.

Currently, this clam has seriously expanded the areas of their habitat in the oceans. This is both good and bad.

Bad because among the squid of possible cannibalism. In conditions when food of another species is lacking, squid can eat their own kind.

As well because the meat of squid is ideal for cooking and frying, and stewing, in salads, soups. Or just as a snack with beer.

Let us consider the useful properties of this tasty seafood.

Use squid

The squid is an extremely useful food product that is suitable to almost everyone, regardless of regimen and diet.

  • Squid meat is a great source of protein. 100 gr. product squid contains 16-18 grams. (according to different sources) is absolutely full of protein.
  • Squid protein in perfect proportions contain all the essential amino acids.
  • Kalmar low-fat product. 100 gr. squid accounted for only about 1-2 Gy. fat. So squid is simply a helpful for all people seeking to lose weight. Because in this process you have enough protein and less fat.
  • Squid is a very low-calorie product. 100 gr. squid contain about 75 calories. This is another argument in favor of possible to include squid in different diets.
  • Despite the low fat content, these fats are extremely good for health. After all, most of them is necessary for health polyunsaturated fatty acids (Pufas). Moreover, it is those that the body can use directly, those that are present in fish oil: eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) fatty acids.
  • In the composition of the squid are not very many vitamins (mainly a, some b vitamins, vitamins E and C), but serious presence of various minerals. A lot of cobalt and copper, less phosphorus, magnesium, molybdenum and zinc. There are also such minerals as iron, potassium, calcium, manganese. Some sources indicate the presence of squid very useful selenium and iodine. Other sources deny it.
  • Squid meat contains a useful substance – taurine, which helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar and also normalizes blood pressure. And it's a little surprising because squid contain quite large amounts of cholesterol, of which will be discussed below.
  • 100 gr. squid contains more than a quarter of the norms of the cholesterol needed by the human body in certain doses. Without it, the body will be broken, the process of synthesis of steroid hormones.
  • Finally, the use of squids is that they are very easy to clean, very quick cooking, and eating them can do without all. Squid is 76 % water, so even a simple drink boiled squid with any side dish will not be dry.

Harm squid

In some cases, the use of squids may be adverse to the human body. But the damage squids will be either in the specific reactions of the human body, or the excessive consumption of squid, especially high-calorie cooking.

  • Fried, smoked or dried squid are much more nutritious food than a simple boiled squid. Their caloric value is 175, 242 and 286 kcal, respectively. Therefore, frequent switching of portions of squid this cooking food able in a few months have a negative impact on the figure.
  • Dried or smoked squid is usually prepared with the use of preservatives and flavor enhancers. What adds to the product value.
    Is squid bad for those people, who from their use there is an allergic reaction.
  • The abuse of large portions of squid can significantly exceed the daily rate of cholesterol. More than 400 gr. squid a day is already more than the required amount of cholesterol.
  • Constantly use big chunks of squid is able to exceed the required amount of intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which in high doses can be extremely harmful to health.

More to say something definite about the harm of squid is not possible, because it is a very valuable and useful food product, which fits almost any person (in reasonable quantities).

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