“Patacon Zuliano” With Green Plantain
Hello friends of steemit in this opportunity I bring my other facet the kitchen; because when I studied in the university should take care of myself with food because I lived out of my city so I'll show you how to perform a rich patacon stuffed with shredded beef of the shell of the green bananas that we will use to do the same. It is a recipe very economical and easy to perform.
The patacon is a typical dish that represents the zulianidad is commonly prepared with meat or chicken breast cock esmechado and is accompanied with ham, egg, mayonnaise and tomato sauce, these items are scarce and when you get your price are very high due to the crisis in our country.
My post is a dish that is adapted to the economic situation in Venezuela, in addition to being a nutritious dish is suitable for those who have a diet or simply that they are vegetarians.

Before I will show you the benefits of banana:
The green banana is a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals and contains a starch that can help control blood sugar levels, manage weight, and decrease the levels of cholesterol in the blood.
Good source of resistant starch
Resistant starch is a type of starch that cannot be degraded by enzymes in the digestive system and, therefore, acts more like a fiber that as a starch. The green bananas contain a large amount of resistant starch, according to a 2010 article published in "Pacific Health Dialog". Include foods rich in resistant starch in your diet, such as the green plantain, can reduce the risk of diabetes by helping to control blood sugar levels, and heart disease by helping to lower levels of cholesterol in the blood.
Good source of fiber
In addition, the resistant starch, green bananas are also a good source of fiber. A portion of a cup of boiled green bananas contains 3.6 g of fiber, 14% of the daily value. The Percent Daily Value is based on a diet of 2000 calories for a healthy adult. The fiber may also reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. In addition, the fiber in foods slows the digestion, helping you to feel full and to control weight.
Rich in potassium and vitamin B6
The ingredients used are: 2 long green bananas, onions, white onion, Ajis, Celeri, cilantro, garlic, salt, oil, Species (Optional), grated cheese.

You must first Peel the bananas banana is separated from the shell and cut into two parts.

Then pour the banana as the shells in a pot with two liter of water and put to boil.

After about 20 minutes you should remove the bananas to start crushing and shells are left in the fire for two hours until soft.

Already crushed bananas will be four template.

Fire is placed the oil to start frying the templates of the banana.

After brown bananas are going out one by one and let drain on the napkins.

To make the meat from the shell, after 2 hours, they are removed from the fire and begin esmechar.

It is placed in the pan all the chopped vegetables fry with a teaspoon of oil, are crushed two tooth of garlic and is seasoned with salt, pepper and mustard, pour the meat from the shell, and then you add a cup of water and cook until it is reduced and the flavors.

After that we have already fried bananas and meat from the shell list, it begins to fill the patacon and placed the grated cheese and the other cover up and so we have ready our patacon zuliano.

Good friends of steemit i hope you enjoyed my recipe and thank you for your attention..
Eso es mundial mi pana.
Sii pana.. Gracias por tu voto.