Waffles and mashin' nanners ~ Why do some things take so long to realize?

in #food7 years ago

This morning I woke up excited about a new pancake/waffle mix I had discovered. While I normally like making things from scratch, the convenience of a good pancake/waffle mix makes the morning activity of breakfast much easier. I won't mention the brand of the mix because for one I don't want to be an advertisement for them and for another....it really wasn't that great of a mix as I soon discovered. The unfortunate event of the bad mix fortunately was overshadowed by my new discovery.

I'm a poster child for those people that get overly excited about the "little" things in life. I especially love when I discover randomly a new way of doing things that previously for whatever reason has never entered my mind.


I always like to add things to a plain waffle mix. One of my favorite additions is bananas and walnuts. Also, as a rule, if vanilla has a place, add it.

Now on to my big epiphany. For years when using bananas in baked goods such as bread or waffles I have used separate bowl to mash them up. The convex nature of the bowl and scraping out of all the mashed banana always seems to add a certain awkwardness to the process.

This morning I had taken out my cutting board so that I could chop my toasted walnuts (pre-toasting of the nuts brings out more of the flavor) and had an idea. I laid my banana out and used the flat surface to fork it to mush. I get a thrill out of discovering shortcuts to processes and this banana discovery made me very happy.


What a difference! I then proceeded to chop the nuts and add a splash of chia seeds to bring a little more nutrition. Now all the additions could easily be corralled with the knife and added to the mix without dirtying an extra dish or scraping and scraping to be sure I didn't leave any of the precious banana mush behind.


I know it sounds trivial to most but I was really elated with this new discovery. I followed the directions on the package of mix and wound up a distressful watery batter. Thanks to my new banana mashing discovery though I really didn't pay much mind to it and had hopes that the mix manufacturers new something I didn't.


You know that feeling when you know something just doesn't seem right but you carry on with it anyway, that was exactly what I fell for.

The waffles turned out with this beautiful outer crisp browning but the middle was a soggy disappointment. They were edible, just not the results I am used to.


Needless to say, it wasn't something a little butter and maple syrup couldn't overshadow. I also was still flying high on my banana mashing discovery and figured that it was all a sacrifice for this new knowledge gained.

It's the little things in life that keep me coming back for more.

Am I the only one out there that marvels in the little things? Would love to hear about those little trivial things that excite you.


I think it looks very tasty! I love waffles myself and I do make them at least once a week. Usually with cottage cheese and oatmeal to make them healthy. This inspired me to make a post about it in the future :)

Will look forward to seeing that.

Yay for successful foodsperiments!
I was very excited about my mini matchbox landscap that I did recently 🙂 I also get excited about random things like when I found a crysalis and watched a butterfly hatch. Missed the actual climbing out if the cucoon but I was able to instagram live it flying away. Good times.
I also get excited about my plants and I'll tell then what a good spinach they're being, growing new leaves like that. 😊

Hope you can perfect your waffle recipe to be the perfect amount of fluffy in the middle. Maybe add some extra baking powder? I know you can use banana instead of eggs but maybe they're making the batter more dense.
Good luck!

It truly is the little things! I would be over the moon about a chrysalis. I love butterflies...well, I love pretty much all of nature. Love that you talk to your spinach. I genuinely believe it make them happier when we give them positive energies. There is much scientific data to prove it.
The whole waffle thing was really quite silly. I appreciate your tips. I think it may actually be the instructions on the mix may be wrong. Next time I'll have to not be so lazy and make them from scratch.

BTW Lizelle, I am beyond words touched that you have taken the time to visit my little steemit world and leave such wonderful comments. Then to top it off I find something that left me speechless...your delegation. I'm blown away by some of the folks I find on this platform. You're support really means the world to me <3

My pleasure! I hope it helps!
I really enjoy reading your stories. Your enthusiasm and energy is wonderful and it is so inspiring to see someone so full of excitement :)

I think the words we speak as well as our internal dialogue has a bigger impact on our world than we think it does.

Don't think I've ever made waffles from scratch. My mom has a recipe that gets nutmeg and it makes it so yummy. Nutmeg is the ultimate comfort food addition. It takes lasagna up to a whole new level. Any kind of white cheese sauce really. It makes you sleepy and if you take too much it's hallucigenic, so there's a little fun fact for you :) It's a great anti-stress food addition.

The other 2 things I get silly about is the moon and clouds. My family has made peace with the fact that at some point or another they are going to get a text telling them to go look at the moon :) hehe.

How did I miss this wonderful reply. You are too kind :) I am so in love with so many silly aspects of life. I will keep trying to hone my skills at conveying them. I so appreciate your supportive words <#
I loooove nutmeg. I remember when I was a teenager my BFF and I had read about the hallucinogenic properties of nutmeg(we never tried it, lol) I make a creamed chard that uses nutmeg and it is heavenly. I always use it in my french toast. I can only imagine what it would do for lasagne.
I too love the moon and clouds. One of the best things ever is watching the illuminated clouds pass over a full moon. I could watch the clouds all day if there weren't a billion other things calling to me :)

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