Right folks,
Tonight was their first night back in the US after months on the other yacht in Europe.
Shit can go wrong really quickly. Vegetables taste of nothing in Miami generally, same for fruit. I buy my vegetables from Chef's Garden in Ohio - not bad but still no where near the same sweetness and flavour as in Europe. Seriously, honestly, I have been doing this a long time. Everything in the fruit and vegetable department tastes better in Europe.
Anyway, I tried to keep it simple and serve the things they like and they know.
This is what I served tonight. Not the best looking mind you, but tasted great.
Madame enjoyed hers's. Mr didn't. Captain had the third bowl and loved it.
Roasted vegetable soup with toasted pine nuts, parmesan and Vente del Baron extra virgin olive oil
Salad of Heritage tomatoes, rocket, eggplant and zucchini
I marinated the eggplant and zucchini in a bit of olive oil, sabu, thyme and garlic before roasting them.
Main course
Roast loin of Niman Ranch lamb with mash potatoes, asparagus and baby kale
Sous vide poached half the lamb then rolled it in thyme before frying it. Roasted the other half. Put it on a plate, served it with a balsamic lamb sauce.
Fruit plate for Madame
Ice cream, roasted apples and activated walnuts for him.
It worked, they loved the lamb and were fairly happy with everything else.
Until tomorrow.
Michael xx
Definitely agree that the veggies taste better in Europe. I am starting a micro greens farm in Washington and hoping I can change this in a small way. What are some microgreens that you love to cook with but are hard to find?
I like the baby exotic kale from chefs garden in Ohio.
Good luck with your farm.
Thanks! We'll try it.
Keep it up! Thanks for posting your own pic!
Hi travelalert, sorry for not responding to your comment.
How's things?
No worries. Its doing good. I did get a response back from my employer, but I didnt get the promotion to move over to Fraud Dept, unfortunately.
Sorry to hear that mate.
Its ok. I do have a lot of other opportunities. I'll try again, maybe this time with AML.
Forgive me,AML?
Not a problem. Sorry, I was using bank jargon.
It means Anti-Money Laundering. Its like Fraud, but you monitoring money laundering operations that occur.
Like depositing 1000.00 into an atm in nyc, and making an atm withdrawal in jamaica a second later.
Fun stuff.
I used to see those drug dealer type Jamican fellows getting on at Heathrow to Kingston. Didn't dare look at them.
Surely they should wait an hour before withdrawing!!