Recipe of Shrimp Malai Curry
Hello friends,Today again i am back with some new recipes.So not lets start the process.
We all know to cook shrimp gourmet. This is a very delicious meal. Children love this meal very much. Let's see how Chirari Malaiya cooking method ...
- Shrimp 2 cups
- Coconut grant 1 cup
- Chilli bowl 1 teaspoon
- Yellow bowl 1 teaspoon
- Ginger half a teaspoon of bread
- 1 teaspoon of garlic paste
- Add onion half cup
- Green chillies are 4-5
- Oil half cup
Sprinkle all the spices, salt and coconut in it with the oil in the vessel and then sprinkle it with shrimp. Now you have to cook with a cup of water. At the end, after finely chop the green chili, after 3-4 minutes, the oil will rise up and come down from the stove.#
This dish looks absolutely delicious! Great post!
Now you have to cook with a cup of water.
Ha Ha Ha...Good saying
Thanks dear
The oil will rise up and come down from the stove
nice post
Thanks brother
Curry to
ato curry khaye ki hobe
Malai malai
Shrimp Malai
recipe er list jano shesh na hoy
new recipes
Try to cook according to your list.
Sprinkle all the spices, salt and coconut in it with the oil in the vessel
yes..Thanks for commenting
wao seen from far away it may taste very delicious, especially if i eat it ,, if you love me want.hahaha
Thanks @meherin
At the end, after finely chop the green chili, after 3-4 minutes and will see a good result
Thanks for your lovely comment
APU I see your Malai Curry, i am felling hungry.
toh cook koren