An exceptional recipe for chicken tengri kabab
Everyone loves to eat kebab This kabab has a variety of different types. Similarly, an exceptional recipe Chicken Tengri Kabab. Let's not learn
Ingredients: Chicken leg 4, kebab spices 1 tablespoon a little less, ginger curry 1/4 teaspoon, garlic paste, 1/4 teaspoon, coconut butter 1 teaspoon, cashew nut flour 1 teaspoon, turmeric pepper, sweeten sauce and salt , Lemon juice 2 teaspoons, talk yogurt, 3 tablespoons, oil amount, little orange food color, a piece of wood coal.
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Procedure: Wash the chicken lugs and wash the water. After this, add one ginger garlic paste, salt, peppercorn, kebab spices, soup yogurt, coconut butter, nuts, lemon juice and marinate for 3 to 4 hours.
Now heat the oil in nonstick pan and cover the mixture with a spoon of chicken legpic. If the meat is properly boiled, then the stove will be closed.
After that, the pieces of coal must be burned on a gas stove for a few minutes. When the coal is reddish, the lid will be closed on a coal-fired coal and a little oil coal with a piece of foil inside the chicken vessel. After 10/15 minutes, the lid should be thrown out of the coal and foil. There will be a beautiful bar for B-que flavors for coal.