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RE: Forget Starbucks: "Smoothify" Yourself Awake With a "Hawaiian Peter Pan" & Cool Down at Night with a "Marley Cooler."

in #food7 years ago

I actually preferred your Bob Marley's coconut rather than the Hawaiian Peter Pan, as I am actually keeping my sugar marker low from any re-occurrence of my health challenge.
You can read it from my latest post

My Health Chronicles: Shrink 1 Inch Waistline A Week!

I definitely will look into the Marley Cooler minus off the honey as Coconuts in Malaysia actually is quite sweet, and to have that extra umph of freshness of lemon and mint, I think this is going to be my upcoming Christmas punch!
upvoted and resteemed for you!


Thanks! You're right about the different coconut flavors and the sweetener. In India, coconuts are only barely sweet and taste more "watery." In Thailand and Malaysia, coconut water tastes so sweet it's like divine nectar from Heaven! When I was there, I would just drink like 4 coconuts for breakfast and could've sworn that someone was secretly adding sugar to the coconut trees somehow - they were so good!

Now my curiosity is peaked...must go check out your latest health chronicle. Thanks again for stopping by!

Oh I think the sweetest is from the Philippines @joylovestowrite. ;)
But I think it also depends on the breed.

Ooh.. I haven't tried Philippine coconuts yet! Must put it on the bucket list now. Someone from the Philippines told me that the people there are really outgoing and friendly too. I'd love to check it out, but just not during the heavy monsoon season or tropical-storm seasons.

I had Thai coconuts in Chiang Man and Koh Pangan - whatever breed that is truly rocks!

I have not been to Philippines myself @joylovestowrite , but in Malaysia there is important coconut, so we get to try it here.
It would be really awesome when one day you get to visit there and we can all have a steemit international meetup there. haha.

Yeah, we can call it the Steemit coconut convention! 😂

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