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RE: Carnivore Costs: What it Takes to Be a Carnivore in Acapulco

in #food6 years ago

Okay, so I'm gonna start with the "As far as how much you're all eating, WHEW!" From what I can tell, two types of people do this diet. The severely malnurished trying to get healthy and the fairly healthy trying to get better, more weightlifting gains ect.

One of my favorite carnivores on Instagram explains often what her first four months were like. She has graves disease and veganism had her fat, but malnurished and dying. She says her first four months, she was ravenous, eating all day every day. For me, now that I'm about 5 months in my appetite has finally leveled off and I no longer feel like I'm starving all the time. I still generally eat 2-3 big meals a day, but its not with the same.......intensity it used to be. My research shows what I'm going through is actually fairly common, it seems to take 4-6 months for the ravenous hunger to stop from malnurishment.

My bet is you've never been malnurished so what's needed to make you feel fine is different from what I need. I'm still technically malnurished, but I'm actually improving which is something I never could say before.

That 21 dollar a day thing is us eating like kings. I've done the math and can do it for less than 7 if we need to but we dont, so we eat like kings.

My price comparison isn't just based off of grass fed prices, much of the US ribeye is like 9 dollars a pound, a POUND. I follow a lot of carnivore groups and people are always sharing their "deals" and a deal on ribeye in the US is 6 dollars a pound.

I guess I'm just a little surprised you've not yet encountered the malnurished state in carnivore diet. Not just skinny people are malnurished from what I can tell it's the really skinny and it's certain fat people, generally those with autoimmune diseases like Hashimotos and Graves. The majority of the people in the groups I'm in on facebook are from a state of malnurishment. One of the most common questions? "Why am I so hungry, all I think about is eating" and vets always come in and say "keep at it, that'll go way", and it does. A lot of those people that start ravenously hungry end up on one or two meals a day at most, and many of them still eat pork, myself included.

Something to consider is that there are people who are intolerant to pork, you might be one of them but not everyone is one of them. Generally those that can't eat pork react to it the way they would with gluten or something. I've not had an issue with that, although I will say in general I crave beef more than most things, if we're excluding bacon of course, I always crave that. lol

Our needs are going to be totally different based of of our life experiences. Some people start this way of eating at one meal a day and are totally fine with that, but often times those people are for the most part healthy, if anything only carrying around extra weight, which eating less will cause them to burn that fat in ketosis.

And I guess in regards to the clean meat, other than pork we are eating clean meat. We get meat from walmart maybe once a week at this point, the occasional beautiful tomahawk steak from the grocery store. But everything else comes from the market, save for the bacon which comes from a store near the market and is perfect because there's no sugar in the recipe, it's a salt only bacon.

Now I've just been wondering how a third of a cow feeds you three, for a year, on the carnivore diet. Most carnivores I follow, including Shawn Baker say you need at least a pound, pound and a half per person a day on the diet, especially in the beginning. Fuck, shawn baker says he easily eats more than a cow a year himself, by weight and he does intermittent feasting. Baker eats at least 2 kilos a day of steak generally, add that up and that's a lot. Granted hes physically active, but even non-active people are still getting down at least a pound of meat every day.

The changes I've noticed are many: better mood, better skin, my teeth even seem a little better (the tartar, the super hard stuff that's not supossed to just fall off came off in huge hunks. I thought it was my teeth falling apart until I saw a dentist, found out my teeth are in a lot better condition than I expected, they just needed cleaned. My gum disease is going away. my body is different, legs are bigger, butts better. My breasts are filling out again, i think with muscle and they no longer make me as sad as they did...two months ago when i thought this diet had eaten my boobs. The period thing is weird, I took a test, found out I wasn't pregnant (like expected) and within a month I had a period. Now I'm having a second period this month which is more like what I used to deal with but it seems to be leveling out too. I'm way more motivated, my brain fog goes away and I feel great.

When I cheat, brain fog, depression, congestion in my sinuses and ears, stomach issues, digestive issues all of that comes back with a fury and lasts for days until I'm again meat only.

The one big bad thing I've noticed is somewhat mental. My blinders are off so to speak so going out into public and hanging out with people can be a bit...interesting. I see fat people that don't wanna be fat with carts stuffed with carbs. I see malnurished women buying lots of veggies and no meat and health supplements. I see skinny people in this community, malnurished but paralized by moral fears of eating meat, so unable to act on it. People keep seeing my results, they ask me how I got them and then cringe when I respond. I cringe when they tell me what they eat. I see friends complain on facebook about the following: brain fog, no motivation, depression, lack of energy, sickness, lethargy, and a whole range of other symptoms I know could be helped by eating this diet. I am always one to ask if they've considered carnivore but beyond that if they respond badly I let it go. I had people telling me my whole life I needed to quit sugar and it wasn't just sugar, it was carbs in general causing my issues. I know how it is when someone says "change your diet and all will be right" but now I finally see the other side of that, the actual positive change everyone advertises you should get from eating "healthier." To be clear I didn't really feel healthier as a vegetarian and the excess of beans in my diet caused more harm than good in my opinion. I've literally never felt as good as I do now, and I'm currently "sick" with a "cold". (Which I think might actually be caused by cheating with gummies, I get congested every time).

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