Chilling in the Winter ❄️ 🥶
Kbbq as usual with Jay
A bee trying to do work as I'm trying to get to work
I probably shouldn't be drinking beer
It's so cheap at Costco though.
Was informed to read this book
I have been consuming unfiltered Skate Liver Oil.
Need a new source of Red Panax Ginseng. This one's Korean. Does anybody know of a better ginseng brand?
In the end
I still have high blood pressure and high bad cholesterol. :(
Need to exercise and eat healthier foods.
On Bitcoin and Cryptos
Ethereum, Tezos, and Algorand look like good staking coins to get into if it falls.
Not sure why, but I have my eyes on ZCash still. It's on every major exchange. BCash, Enigma, Chainlink, Doge, Decred look like possible altcoins to get into as well.
The year I may pick up some PolkaDOT.
Current crypto holdings
Kyber Network
Tezos (probably a good time to sell, would like to get into some other coin. Haven't sold yet. )
I heard they are developing BTC defi, to compete with eth defi. The beer cost more than 0.1 Eth
Eth still overvalued maybe :(
lots of stuff to do this week
Like selling all bags and buying stocks